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AstralScythe's Blog
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March 25, 2018
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ADC  |  Anti-Heal  |  Build  |  Question  |  Smite
Sorry, if this is more of a low-elo/low-level player question, but my point is try to make more people aware of this concept.

Okay, so this has been on mind for a while now, Every time I play a game against healers, our ADC gets his 3rd item brawlers, then makes a build that absolutely makes no sense at all after that, and furthermore, he becomes practically useless against tanks, whether it Brawler's Beat Stick or Toxic Blade. I don't watch that many SPLs ; however, I don't recall or remember an ADC building an Anti-Heal item at all, even if the enemy has multiple healers. My personal opinion is that an ADC should NOT build anti-heal, an ADC should be able to carry late game and able to kill no matter what the target opposing him/her , though they should go for their ADC build that will let them do so, furthermore late game even if the enemy has healing an ADC with right build will be able to kill that god no matter what, for teamfights, I personally think that mages, and guardian…
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March 21, 2018

The Increasing Toxicity of Smite

Views: 4332 AstralScythe
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Community  |  Smite  |  Toxic
Hello guys, hope you are doing well...
Recently I have noticed 2 things about smite's community which are 1) The Number of Players doesn't change, smite's community is the same number, not much join in, not much leave, and these are statistics by some youtubers and valve's records for smite. And 2) There is a lot of players who are rather toxic, before you say anything, yes I know, this is internet, this a Pvp competitive game, and this a moba, and that is normal, even I myself get tilted sometimes and get toxic ; however, I don't often be that at all. What I am talking about is rather even muting people at this point doesn't matter sometimes. I occasionally would play duel, and the enemy picks da ji and gets 15 kills on me in duel early game (tower diving, snowballing , you get the point) and when I reach late game, and I actually turn the table around they get tilted af , literally the dude had me so tilted early game that I just tried to surrender in the first 6 minutes, because I c…
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