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BabbyBeef's Blog
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May 29, 2013

Guides: what do you want?

Views: 1514 BabbyBeef
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carries  |  midlane  |  SFEU  |  Smitefire  |  Sup
Hi everyone my name is Babbybeef as you can see, and i'm the left lane carry and captain of Smitefire EU i'm here to ask you guys what guide you'd like to see me write and spend quite some time making?

I mainly play carries as detailed earlier, and i'd love to teach people what builds i use and how to play said god. As left lane carry i mainly play bruisers and other melees but i do have an extensive knowledge of the ranged carries as well.

So just post a comment detailing which god and why you feel we need a guide for him/her
Have fun!

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March 27, 2013


Views: 1188 BabbyBeef
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So as I'm going to be away for a week or so I've decided I'd have a proper go at making a guide while I'm gone. So first of all I am going to try a Neith guide which I will link it in a comment below once finished. now you'l be thinking well we've already got a lot of neiths guides why make a new one? Well all the guides that I have read are not near how I like to play Neith. So give it a read when its out for a new way to play her and I will eventually give it a video hopefully woth the team (for the banter) also super excited for Apollo!

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March 16, 2013


Views: 1390 BabbyBeef
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 |  anorexia  |  Chicken wings  |  obesity  |  ownage  |  rape  |  win
Hello we are looking for members of a new and awesome team which will be carried by yours truly. But we really need some supports, so if anyone really enjoys playing support and would like to play casually competitive games. If interested Comment below! or PM me :D or PM rkraz3d.

Many thanks and would love to hear from you!

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March 09, 2013

Ranked is so bad :(

Views: 1610 BabbyBeef
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 |  feed  |  hate  |  i  |  life  |  my  |  noobs
Ok so i just had a game where, i try to you know, carry mid as ra. And 5 mins in we have a leaver and an AFKer on left lane (this is after feeding 5 kills to a Loki) also due to amazing map vision and no mia's i get double ganked by a Loki and Sobek :'( how do i win in ranked when people are ******ed? also someone didn't have Bacchus so the other team got him. and the game before i played bachus and my carry kept running into the jungle and getting ganked by their mid player when he could of been solo farming left.

Please someone add me! And give me a good game! <3 IGN: Babbybeef Elo:1590, elo 6 games ago:1709

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