March 09, 2013

Ranked is so bad :(

Views: 1635 BabbyBeef
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noobs  |  feed  |  i  |  hate  |  my  |  life  | 
Ok so i just had a game where, i try to you know, carry mid as ra. And 5 mins in we have a leaver and an AFKer on left lane (this is after feeding 5 kills to a Loki) also due to amazing map vision and no mia's i get double ganked by a Loki and Sobek :'( how do i win in ranked when people are ******ed? also someone didn't have Bacchus so the other team got him. and the game before i played bachus and my carry kept running into the jungle and getting ganked by their mid player when he could of been solo farming left.

Please someone add me! And give me a good game! <3 IGN: Babbybeef Elo:1590, elo 6 games ago:1709