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BatBoss's Blog
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July 23, 2013


Views: 1278 BatBoss
+Rep | Report
Chang'e  |  God  |  New
I just watched the reveal, and I am so excited. Her passive seems like its going to be very powerful, practically allowing her to not have to recall as much. Then her 1 seems like it has a lot of nuking potential seeing as it had a rather short cool down. Then her heal providing high sustain. Its awesome, I can't wait.

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July 18, 2013

Next God?

Views: 2576 BatBoss
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 |  God  |  New  |  SunWukong
I was wondering if anyone knows what the next possible god is after Chronos? Someone said in my one game earlier that was a god called Change? Also does anyone know when Sun Wukong will return?

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July 13, 2013

Another item like the Void Stone?

Views: 1281 BatBoss
+Rep | Report
Items  |  MagicDamage  |  MagicProtection  |  Voidstone
When I was looking around in the items to help me out with my Vulcan game, I found myself in a situation where I need more magical protection, but I didn't want to lose the 70 magical damage that the Obsidian Shard gave me, along with its magical penetration. I already had the Void Stone and was searching through the list of items that provided both magical damage and protection, and found nothing. This left me with a difficult decision, get more protection, but lose a large chunk of damage. Or I can keep the damage, but find myself in a pickle when fighting magical based god. So here is where I think it would be nice if they maybe added another item similar to the Void Stone. Now I'm not gonna give my ideas of the amount of damage you get or the amount of protection you get, because I have no idea what decent stats for an item are. So in other words, would you like it if there was two of each item, except they provided different passives quite similar to how the boots and actives are …
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July 13, 2013
+Rep | Report
 |  Arachne  |  OP  |  Skill
When I first started playing Smite, I noticed Arachne there is the small list of gods that I was able to use. So I picked her up in the hopes that she would be good. During that game I found myself getting destroyed and like anyone would blamed it on the god for my failures and never played her again, until recently. My god Arachne is a beast. Jungle Arachne is a definitely something to be fearful of. Now I feel that she may not be op, but instead requires a small amount of skill to make her really effective. So in other words, she is not really a god for new players. So I ask you this, would you like Hi-Rez to introduce more gods which require more player skill to make them effective?

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