July 13, 2013

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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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All of his skills are very easy to use.
I mean he's not the hardest but he definitely isn't 'easy' as a tank. Later in the game when your 1 basically puts you in drunk mode, maybe, but early on it's not the simplest to keep mana while staying tipsy/drunk, and knowing your limits as a rather low-damage tank, especially a magic user. Not many magic-using tanks have it easy, as there is only really Staff and Voidstone for that perfect Magic Power and defensive stats
well, it might be just me, but I started with playing tanks and I would recommend every single one of them for new players and would classify them as easy, but again it is preference and you might find mages, assassins or carries easier :P
He actually is... I have a lot of matches with him. The only thing that maybe a bit of getting used to is mana usage.
I mean he's not the hardest but he definitely isn't 'easy' as a tank. Later in the game when your 1 basically puts you in drunk mode, maybe, but early on it's not the simplest to keep mana while staying tipsy/drunk, and knowing your limits as a rather low-damage tank, especially a magic user. Not many magic-using tanks have it easy, as there is only really Staff and Voidstone for that perfect Magic Power and defensive stats
Try to play Bacchus...he isn't close to easy.
He actually is... I have a lot of matches with him. The only thing that maybe a bit of getting used to is mana usage.
I think this is the list of easiest to hardest
5 old free gods
3 new free gods
Try to play Bacchus...he isn't close to easy.
5 old free gods
3 new free gods
Using her in the heat of a battle requires knowing when to use which skills, and being in the right stance at the right time. Ever since she started incurring cooldowns in her other stance after using skills, she became that much more difficult to play, to the point where she's borderline unusable (now just outright unusable thanks to the jungle meta).
While he is considered to be overpowered in the eyes of pros, it actually takes considerable skill to make him feel that strong. Knowing how to use