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BestMinionEver's Blog
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February 18, 2018

Season 5 ranked adventures

Views: 2750 BestMinionEver
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It has been a ruff day of ranked today :(

But at least I figured out that Ares was the cure:

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February 09, 2018
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So I am back again for the hundredth time. Hopefully Smite can hold my attention for a few months this time. Feels nice to start fresh on a new season, so the possibility is there! :)

For the moment I am just chilling here on the forum, because I am totally hooked on Divinity Original Sin 2. So my gaming time is spent on that for now. Think I have started 5 characters on that game now..

Earlier I was scrolling through my Ne Zha guide just to see how much work it would be to update it and found a hidden Easter egg that I didn't know about.


just to make sure you see it, it is Inuki on the Ymir. :P

But I don't see myself ever actually managing to update that monster. I will give it the good old college try though.

I am not sure what I want to do when I make my way back to Smite.
I probably should play some casuals before going into ranked and doing my qualifiers. The plan is to at least record all my qualifiers and make a miniseries of them. Kind of feel like just jumping strai…
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October 18, 2017

Life in general

Views: 3455 BestMinionEver
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So just wanted to write a short post on what I'm up to for the moment. :-)

I havenot played much Smite the last 2-3 weeks. And I can't remember the last time I was on Smitefire..

It's pretty busy at work, so pretty knackered when I get home so haven't felt up to tryharding in ranked.

For the most time I have been just catching up on some series and rewatch some with my girlfriend, Into the Badlands, Black Flag, The Shannara Chronicles, Taboo, Fear the Walking Dead, 12 Monkeys, Killjoys and Ray Donovan probably forgot some series as well.

And pretty much all my gaming time has gone to Magic the gathering, which a friend got me into a while back ago. I played tje old steam games before, but I have now started playing paper format. And I am having a ton of fun, just watching draft videos and playing some magic online to practice for Friday Night Magic drafts at the gamestore. :p

But the last couple of days has gone to playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (yes the first one). I neve…
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September 15, 2017

Ranked adventures with Marki #2

Views: 1296 BestMinionEver
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So today I actually recorded every game I played.
And I tried to comment along the way, but I am really really really really bad at talking to myself.
The first game I gave someone jungle and played ADC (because he said he would carry, it went terribly bad...).
I forgot to record my last Odin game (phew, I played like ****) and I forgot that I was recording my last game. But all in all a decent day:

But now it is time for bed! (7am) :S


So after checking out my recorded games today I figured out that I was to drunk yesterday to realize that I had unplugged my mic...
I will give commenting during the game a new attempt later tonight or tomorrow >_<

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September 14, 2017

Odin ranked game

Views: 2271 BestMinionEver
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Odin  |  Ranked  |  Smite
I recorded this game yesterday, it is nothing special. I didn't really do any huge mistakes, but I didn't make any huge plays either.
analyzing the game

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