Thanks for your coaching, Bran!
So I was against a Pele. I got 2nd blood, and I think 3rd blood, but was still being outfarmed by Pele. My mistakes:
1) Didn't split farm with mid laner.
2) Didn't pay attention to mini map to see that my support was clearing the red buff. So when I got to red buff, I was left a bit dumbfounded. I caught him in the act the 2nd time, which is how I figured it was him.
3) Probably didn't take the most efficient jungle route. Bran was explaining how I needed to auto attack and take a step back to draw the buff monster towards me, so I can save a few steps.
4) To all the Junglers out there (I'm looking at you DV-8), Is the common start Mace first item? Or is Cudgel acceptable on Fenrir? I've had success with Cudgel start, and I see andinster did a cudgel start once.
Umm... Yeah... Me... The Jungler... Let's see here. Uh, Mace is the most common start, but I also think Cudgel could work if Blackthorn is the item that you want to move in to.
Personally, I build tier 1 boots, which usually allows me to build into Warrior Tabi before Speed spawns for the second time. However, that could be a major sin in the jungler world for hurting your level 1 clear. I don't really know. Please don't shun me, Kriega. I just play the game to have fun; not to be good.
Edit: I just checked and Assassin is my second to least played class next to Warriors, who have far fewer gods. And I'm a not-so-good jungler. I'm flattered though, lol. I just don't want you to think I know what I'm talking about xD
Mace is the common start but I guess you could use Cudgel if you want to rush one of the hammers. Does Brutalize apply The Crusher? If so, does it apply it each time the damage is applied or only once? Depending on the answers, I wouldn't consider Cudgel start for Fenrir. I can see it as viable cuz Fenrir is a bit of a hybrid pick (isn't full AA nor is he full Ability Damage), just like Nemesis, for instance.
Also ****ing tell me when you're q'ing again so we can do this together! <3
That said, I don't think Crusher is a bad early option. The bonus damage is fine, and the AS will be helpful for stacking runes.
The other popular options would be Void Shield, Brawler's Beat Stick, and Blackthorn Hammer. Even though pros have been building that, I just don't see Brawler's as that necessary that early. Yes, the power and flat pen are great, but healing early in the game isn't usually that strong. *shrug*
Also, fenrir is full ability based. You just build him a bit tankier than most because he has no long range poke and has no easily applied cc (stun from the 1 not included because you have to build 5 runes first and you may not have them in the middle of a team fight)
I was extremely surprised to get jg, one of the most popular roles.
I actually suck with carry and mid. Those roles need more practice than others.
My suggestion would be it depends on what item your getting first (after boots)