June 04, 2019

JGed with Fenrir in my First Ever Ranked Match

Views: 2721 boogiebass
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Thanks for your coaching, Bran!
So I was against a Pele. I got 2nd blood, and I think 3rd blood, but was still being outfarmed by Pele. My mistakes:
1) Didn't split farm with mid laner.
2) Didn't pay attention to mini map to see that my support was clearing the red buff. So when I got to red buff, I was left a bit dumbfounded. I caught him in the act the 2nd time, which is how I figured it was him.
3) Probably didn't take the most efficient jungle route. Bran was explaining how I needed to auto attack and take a step back to draw the buff monster towards me, so I can save a few steps.
4) To all the Junglers out there (I'm looking at you DV-8), Is the common start Mace first item? Or is Cudgel acceptable on Fenrir? I've had success with Cudgel start, and I see andinster did a cudgel start once.