September 01, 2017

Bran's Ranked Conquest Qualifier Adventures - Part 1

Views: 4571 Branmuffin17
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Ranked  |  Conquest  |  Toxicity
Link to the game stats is here.

Welp. I played my very first Ranked Conquest game ever. Honestly could have gone a lot worse, but boy did I feel a lot more pressure than normal. Didn't play very well, but I sort of expected that.

Only one other was actively talking/using the new in-game voice chat. And he was complaining (not unjustified I'm sure) a lot. He was our best player ( Ao Kuang), and without him, we definitely would have lost. Other than 2 others that were also playing qualifying matches, the spread of players consisted mostly of Silver division.

Keep in mind, the entire ranked experience was new to me, with the banning and all.

Here was how it went:

Banning & Picking

I decided to use my Devo's / Crit build, rather than the Trans build. Why? It's generally my preference, and because I had a brain fart and was thinking while first considering the enemy team's composition that I'd look to build Witchblade to counter the many enemies that have basic attack functions in their kits. Didn't do that in the end, realizing that it would be building double-lifesteal at the time I was going to get it, so decided to just go for The Crusher instead. Also forgot to switch out Warrior Tabi for Ninja Tabi. Oops. Probably should have gone with the Trans build, and subbed Witchblade in for Asi. Oh well.

Actual gameplay starts at around 10:30. In the early game, we started at our power buff, which I took. In lane, I don't know if I was playing very timidly, but should have kept attacking the minions for a bit longer...was scared of Rama, and when I saw Artio incoming, I backed off. And overall, I was just consistently pushed back. At least I played a bit smarter than normal and didn't feed.

My first death was found because I didn't have an aggressive ward up, and I entered the jungle from the middle rather than my defensive area.

Didn't get my first kill until almost 28 minutes in.

Throughout the rest of the match, forgot to ward sometimes even though I always had them on hand (normal), went in first and/or solo on some fights that I obviously shouldn't have, and didn't focus objectives sometimes from the distraction of enemy presence.

That said, could have been worse.

Ended at 12/6/15 in a 45 minute win. Took us a while, and there were a lot of swings in the match. On my team, Kukulkan and Ao Kuang outdamaged me...I had 32k damage. My ADC counterpart also heftily outdamaged me with almost 50k damage. But I didn't feed, came out with more kills than deaths, placed 8 wards (should have been way more though), and did the most objective damage with 6,404.

Build Critiques

1 down, 9 to go, if I can survive this...seriously, people take it way too seriously.