I made a bet with one of my buddies. He used to play Smite a lot but now he's more into League of Legends, to my despair. But he's been begging me to try it, so I did, but along with it, being my arrogant self, I made a seemingly foolish bet.
I bet him twenty dollars that after a month of playing League of Legends, I would be better than he is. I was almost certain I was going to lose this bet.
And then I actually played it.
Soo, first few matches, I played Lux cause she seemed similar to Ra and Scylla.
And as it turns out, I was actually carrying harder than he was. And this was probably my 2nd PvP match. Now if you're a League fan, don't take this personally, but League almost felt, well... Casual.
Lux is apparently "fairly difficult" because she has four skill shots, which would be all of her abilities. But damn those are ungodly easy. Like, how do you miss her Q? It's just like a Scylla 1 except faster! And her E, apparently thats supposed to be tricky cause that hits like a **********ing truck. And finally her ult, which is a longer and more damaging Ra ult.
Oh and then I decided the first champ I would buy is Warwick. For those of you who don't know who he is, he has absolutely no skill shots, and his ult is basically a Fenrir 3 that silences and hits about four times harder.
... I think I'll have my twenty bucks relatively soon xD
While I love all of your useful advice, in exactly one month's time I'll be uninstalling it anyways, not even worth the space on my computer :P
In other words, I'm not playing it out of my love of mobas, I'm
playing it out of my love of money.
May Iequest a second blog after the month to see if you changed about it's difficulty (as you get in higher lvls, runes more chars) I wanna know if it's still so easy. as I have had some fun matches against smurfes and queue with lvl 30 person as lvl 20- XD.
You want difficult? Go try Yasuo ;)
But I suppose that's a separate topic.
1) Lux isn't hard. Her skillshots are very straightforward, decent speed, and wide hitboxes. She's actually one of the most noob friendly mages. In LoL, despite having abilities that are targetted, skillshots aren't the measure of difficulty, as you're expecting to hit the shots on most targets.
I have to disagree with this. Lux is very hard against 70% of champions because she lacks some things which are obligatory in this current meta. She depends on her cooldowns and on the fact that she can get ahead someone. If she is set behind she is basically useless because she relies too heavily on burst and her burst depends on AP.
In other words, I'm not playing it out of my love of mobas, I'm
playing it out of my love of money.
2) Warwick's ult is a suppress, slightly different than silence, but yes.
3) If you want a Scylla character, Try Darius (ult is almost the exact idea of scylla's - continued chains), or Katarina (Reset based)
4) If you want any suggestions on champions let me know :D
Lux : hey kat
Kat : hey lux
Lux : Have you seen my brother?
Kat : You mean garen? he's in my bed
Lux : WTF you *****!!! "Light Binding" "Lucent Singularity" "Final Spark" DEMACIA
Kat : "Shunpo" Hi lux!
Lux : oh hi, wut wat wtf
Kat : hmhm "Bouncing Blades""Sinister Steel""Death Lotus" Bye Lux
*Applies to all enemy who has a pretty high movement speed, jump/dash/blink
**Leblanc's special case : You can't do anything
Warwick team's chat :
WW : Hi guys
Ahri : Hi
WW : I'll farm
10 minutes later :
Ahri : WTF, why haven't you ganked leblanc, fiddlestick ganked me twice
WW : Wait, i'm getting level 6, ok i'm ready
WW : *ult LB* WTF did i stop?
Fiddlestick : Hi bro, feared?
I like doing this thing lol
They have counters and the hard things about LoL is how to get over these counters and how to lane, etc
Don't take this as an offensive reply but people you are playing against do not know anything about matchups, general gameplay, mechanics, tactical gameplay etc. You on the other hand have an advantage since you've played a MOBA before.
And Lux works against anyone who doesn't abuse her weakness (very unmobile, extremely weak to mobile champions and CC).