February 11, 2015

So I made a bet...

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Soo... Hi xD

I made a bet with one of my buddies. He used to play Smite a lot but now he's more into League of Legends, to my despair. But he's been begging me to try it, so I did, but along with it, being my arrogant self, I made a seemingly foolish bet.

I bet him twenty dollars that after a month of playing League of Legends, I would be better than he is. I was almost certain I was going to lose this bet.

And then I actually played it.

Soo, first few matches, I played Lux cause she seemed similar to Ra and Scylla.

And as it turns out, I was actually carrying harder than he was. And this was probably my 2nd PvP match. Now if you're a League fan, don't take this personally, but League almost felt, well... Casual.

Lux is apparently "fairly difficult" because she has four skill shots, which would be all of her abilities. But damn those are ungodly easy. Like, how do you miss her Q? It's just like a Scylla 1 except faster! And her E, apparently thats supposed to be tricky cause that hits like a **********ing truck. And finally her ult, which is a longer and more damaging Ra ult.

Oh and then I decided the first champ I would buy is Warwick. For those of you who don't know who he is, he has absolutely no skill shots, and his ult is basically a Fenrir 3 that silences and hits about four times harder.

... I think I'll have my twenty bucks relatively soon xD