May 31, 2015

I've been ungrateful

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Yeah, I realize how ungrateful I've been recently.

Haven't played Smite in a while, I've been playing a lot of other games, including some other mobas, such as League and HotS.

I decided probably 2 months ago to take a break from Smite. It was getting stale and, well, I wanted something fresh. I, for once in my life, took Smite for granted. Biggest mistake ever.

HotS is fun, but too simple. League is hardly exciting to win, yet rage inducing to lose.

And I decided, well, I might play Smite soon. Idk. Other games have me frustrated, and the things that frustrate me make me realize that Smite doesn't have those problems.

For example, League I find champs who have almost-none/no skill shots extremely annoying to play against because I feel like I'm not losing because I'm a worse player, I feel like I'm losing because, well, they're playing an insanely easy champ. I then realize, in Smite, that's not really that much of an issue. Or not nearly as much. So.

Hopefully I'll be on tomorrow or the next day, but on Wednesday a big expansion for a game I play comes out, so you won't be seeing me then :P