March 10, 2015

So League of Legends

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After a month or so of playing League of Legends, I've decided to reevaluate.

Well, basically, the conclusion I've come to is, what makes Smite hard and what makes League hard are completely different things, which is something I didn't understand going into it.

Smite is difficult in the whole concept of landing skillshots, more mechanical sort of things.

League is difficult in a more RTS sort of sense, map awareness, teamwork, etc.

But yet I find League pretty much, well, casual, and much easier than Smite. Which to me is a problem, because I like games that take a lot of skill to perfect.

Why does League still seem casual, even after all of this map awareness and teamwork ****? Well it's a simple explanation.

I've come to the conclusion that, even though what makes Smite hard and what makes League hard are completely different things, well, I find the things that make League hard, easy.

Like I said, what makes League hard are things like map awareness and other RTS elements.

These things, however, come insanely natural to me. When I play Smite, I use these elements almost passively, because I'm so used to them.

The other thing that frustrates me about League is this:

Let's say in Smite I am playing Rama and I am in a duel with a Neith. This Neith is 3 levels higher than me and has a whole item above me.

If, however, I am genuinely more skilled then they are, there's still a large chance that I can outplay them and win.

In League however, if we take the same scenario with two similar characters, the person ahead will almost always win, since autos are not skillshots, so it essentially becomes a dps race.

You could just say "Oh well the idea behind League is that they don't get ahead in the first place"

And you're correct. But the fact is that it is still a very frustrating game to play when this happens.

The bet is over very soon, and I've just been playing Karthus. Because Karthus allows me to channel all of my hatred for this horrible excuse for a moba, by playing a champ that is insanely easy and trolly.

That is all.