In Tech Problem Solving, I'm pretty sure me and my buddy got DQed because the catapult we built literally snapped in half when we present it XD All good tho, had a lot of laughs... including the judges, who were laughing at us.
In Technical Sketching and Application, I got 9th place out of not sure how many. Considering I hate tech sketching and guessed on half the answers, pretty damn good xD
In Biomedical Research Essay, out of 8 contenders, I got 2nd place, which means the essay will continue on to the State level, and I have won the 2nd place prize of $35, not bad at all eh?
When I win that bet I made in a little over 2 weeks I'll have about $50!
It was a great time though, really. If any of you are in high school, and enjoy technology, I would highly recommend checking if your school offers TSA, it's really fun to do with friends, not to mention State level competition involves staying at a really nice hotel.
Devampi, I don't wanna play jungler until I have Smite. Because apparently League thinks I can't handle playing jungle until I've played the game for way longer than I've wanted to.
ohja I forgot that they changed that :/ (that's why your games are also easy the enemy won't have a jungler or you won't have a 1v2 top lane)
I noticed it too sub fiddle OP
Also the thing about crits are real even an adc won't go full crit items. and as warwick you won't be doing most of your damage on aa but on your q and r
mages, like Fiddle or Diana or Fiddle
Second fiddles (fiddlestix) is broken. Top tier instaban so op
So... not to sound really stupid, but isn't that a reason to build crit?
Uh, applying on hit effects does not equal crit, if you're talking about Warwick's ultimate.
If you're talking generally speaking, UNLIKE Smite's RNG-loving ***, you don't build crits on AD champs.
Partly because not everyone has godly attack speed. Partly because some kits are ill-suited to autoattacking. And partly because not everyone has a **** ton of CC to lock them in place so you can crit them to death.
Also, unlike Smite, crit items actually have LESS AD most of the time compared to other items. Phantom Dancer, Static Shiv, etc. So you don't build pure AD AND crits at the same time - it's impossible, outside of Infinite Edge, but good luck winning with only 15% crit chance.
So AD caster (Lee Sin) does not equal autoattacker (Fiora) does not equal critter (Tyrndamere). Unlike bloody Smite, where all of them are one and the same except for the poor suckers that CAN'T do everything at once.
That being said, while warwick's ult is worded so it SHOULD crit, they have specifically made it so it CANNOT crit. Any ability that applies on hit effects can crit, EXCEPT for warwick. SO build things like Wit's End or BotRK on him instead.
Also, I'd agree that most LoL junglers, who are in a decent tier, are bruisers. Lee Sin, Rek'Sai, Jarvan, Vi, Wukong, etc. Sure there are tanks, like Sejuani, or mages, like Fiddle or Diana or Fiddle (although, those 3 are the only real viable mages, so mage jungle is kinda limited to begin with), or assassins like Khazix and Shaco, or AA like Yi or Udyr. But the most encompassing and viable role in the jungle seems to be the Bruiser set, because they're versatile. They can survive a beating, but also dish out damage early game to make ganks work. Best of both worlds.
So... not to sound really stupid, but isn't that a reason to build crit?
Can't AA's Crit?
Yeah the junglers in League tend to build similar to how a warrior would in Smite. The jungle is super punishing and thus you need sustain and pure power. Notably in people like Vi, Rek'sai, and Jarvan IV. Btw since when have you guye been playing? I joined early Season 3.
Not quite. There are mage bruisers like Diana and Nid (or at least, some builds), autoattack assassins like Yi, plain AD assassins like Lee Sin, tanks like Rammus and Sejuani, etc etc. You can't just umbrella them as all bruisers.
Thanks guys! If you thought I did well, a girl friend of mine got two 1sts, a 2nd, a 3rd, and a 4th. Yeah, she's pretty damn good xD
The bet is going really well, mostly just playing Garen and Warwick
mlg guide 2 pleying garen
step 1 sunfire cape
step 2 black cleaver
step 3 press q and then press e and then press r
step 4 profit!!!111
mlg guide 2 pleying worwick
step 1 phantom dancer
step 2 wit's end
step 3 press r
XD No but seriously, I am doing a lot better then I think I should be doing. I haven't done any super hardcore grinding, I'm just sort of playing matches here and there xD I think I'm level 7 or 8 maybe.
Uh...Warwick's ult can't crit. Don't build crits on him. Warwick's typically a jungler, anyway - you get Devourer's enchantment (think Telkhines' ring but deals more damage for every large monster or kill you get) and then build pure tank most of the time.
I'm fairly certain that the only ability that can crit is Parrley. I might be wrong.