February 22, 2015

TSA results....

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The results are in from the TSA regional competition yesterday.

In Tech Problem Solving, I'm pretty sure me and my buddy got DQed because the catapult we built literally snapped in half when we present it XD All good tho, had a lot of laughs... including the judges, who were laughing at us.

In Technical Sketching and Application, I got 9th place out of not sure how many. Considering I hate tech sketching and guessed on half the answers, pretty damn good xD

In Biomedical Research Essay, out of 8 contenders, I got 2nd place, which means the essay will continue on to the State level, and I have won the 2nd place prize of $35, not bad at all eh?

When I win that bet I made in a little over 2 weeks I'll have about $50!

It was a great time though, really. If any of you are in high school, and enjoy technology, I would highly recommend checking if your school offers TSA, it's really fun to do with friends, not to mention State level competition involves staying at a really nice hotel.