-The puppy is going to get new items on the build. Hydra's Demise/ Hydra's Lament being one of them. Frostbound Hammer is getting scrapped, due to the bad stats in the current meta.
-The guide will cover mostly the Jungle Fenrir in Conquest, but with mini-tutorials to Arena, Domination and even Assault.
-I Reliazed the guide is not so ''formal''. I plan to make it more serious, but not boring to read.
-SoloRir maybe? Who knows.
-King K. Rool is getting new actives, the ''mandatory'' ones for tanks in the current meta.
-New Partners coming when it comes to laning with.
-No big changes, really. This guide is second the most up-to-date guide made by me.
-Goobis will get a Jungle Guide as well!
-1v1 combat: How to react, when to advance, when to play passively.
-Tips n' tricks to hit the tricky Mummify.
-Goobis got a few new Counters( curse you, Nu Wa).
That's it guys. I might also create a General Guide for Solo/Mid Laning. But it's that's only on scratch.
Anyway, I can't wait for the guide, DJ!
A tip I read somewhere: Don't ever go with Demise over Lament. It's only giving more damage if you have red buff or red pot, from what I remember, otherwise base damage is always better. :)
Actually, I think that with a full runes Seething Howl, the sheer power will make Demise worth it. Just my opinion. (Seriously though, this, Heartseeker, and red buff (jungler, after all) is absurd.)
Edit: A bit of testing revealed that depending on your build, around four finished items + red buff and seething howl x 2 is where Demise begins to beat Lament. Of course, you'll have to go full power, without any defense and such, and the maxed damage is situational, so whether it is worth or not is debatable.
And thanks for the imput Raventhor. I might make some tests, but I think Hydra's Demise may be good on Jungle Fenrir, depending on the Buff you decide to take. But as you mentioned, Hydra's Lament might be the best choice.
Do it! I'll be working on Arena, Sub has Jungle, Jararo can do solo, you can have mid.
Glad to see you'll be up to date.