April 07, 2018

Solo Lane - Basic General Builds

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Standard Warrior/Assassin Build:
Warrior Tabi, Breastplate of Valor/Nemean(depending on type), Mystical Mail, Pestilence/Bulwark, Hide of the Urchin/Mantle of Discord, Bulwark of Hope/Pestilence.
If you are a Mana Hungry God, such as Sun Wukong or Fenrir against a Magical, you can get Genji's Guard instead of Bulwark Pestilence first.

Standard Guardian Build:
Shoes of Focus(CDR Boots), Breastplate of Valor, Voidstone, Hide of the Urchin, Mantle of Discord, Bulwark of Hope/Midgardian Mail (depending on the enemy comp)
If you are laning against a Magical, then you should get Voidstone first.

A Special Case for this is Sun Wukong, where you can instead buy Soul Eater into Talismon of Energy and go ham.

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