Warrior Tabi, Breastplate of Valor/Nemean(depending on type), Mystical Mail, Pestilence/Bulwark, Hide of the Urchin/Mantle of Discord, Bulwark of Hope/Pestilence.
If you are a Mana Hungry God, such as Sun Wukong or Fenrir against a Magical, you can get Genji's Guard instead of Bulwark Pestilence first.
Standard Guardian Build:
Shoes of Focus(CDR Boots), Breastplate of Valor, Voidstone, Hide of the Urchin, Mantle of Discord, Bulwark of Hope/Midgardian Mail (depending on the enemy comp)
If you are laning against a Magical, then you should get Voidstone first.
A Special Case for this is Sun Wukong, where you can instead buy Soul Eater into Talismon of Energy and go ham.
That being said there's always a benefit to not being an ******* and just screenshotting things to be rude. This is a general forum site where people are allowed to give feedback and express their opinions on what other people post. So if you can't handle that, especially when claiming that a pro owns the account, which based on the screenshot is doubt-able or why do you need to show DW responding and how you're talking about DW, then you may need to reconsider some things.
But on the other hand if you want to represent Deathwalker as an ******* you are definitely allowed to do so as well DeathwalkerOwnsThisAccoun. But maybe someone should notify Deathwalker about that, because I am pretty sure he doesn't want pics of him coming off as rude to some random to be spread around even on SF :P
Trolls will be trolls, I am sure Bran can handle it lol :)
So whoever you really are, Mr. DeathwalkerOwnsThisAccoun, you need to reevaulate your priorities and issue apologies to not only Bran Muffin, but also the real DW. Though if I had my druthers, you'd be ip banned from this site, DW warned about your childish behavior, and this whole "guide" deleted.
While I enjoy the wall of Bran text it can be a bit overbearing to some people, especially first time contributors, as it is generally critiquing, be it build or guide presentation, and can be quite a bit to take in and may come off negatively at times, such was the case here. I highly doubt Bran would ever leave purposefully negative comments, but communicating solely via text can leave a lot to be desired in terms of normal context cues which users online generally have to learn via repeated exposure to how the community interacts.
In any case, a chat with Duo basically put me in my place. Although I probably had some decent points in my response, my personal reservations on some of those items/orders are apparently off. I always felt that Mystical was mostly best as an early (albeit expensive) early item for help with lane clear and ticking enemy health when you can really stick to them (like
I've always personally been on the side that once you get one prot type, it's best to balance with the other (unless magical gods are just not a threat)...and also that it's usually good to counter-build late game with debuffs and whatnot where applicable. But maybe that's just me needing to do everything in my power to build that way to make up for my general lack of skill.
I guess this is endgame builds and that
Situational items like
This build is a good general build though, and it at least takes your solo lane opponent in consideration which is really important to do in the early laning phase.
But there are definitely more items that could be important in a game. :)
As you can see pretty clearly if you just look at builds in high level ranked games. I would not follow SPL/SML builds though for ranked. They are often more team oriented builds than the builds you see from ranked.
And you want a more selfish build in ranked mostly.
Standard Warrior build should be dependent an enemy Solo and Jungle, and so you need to describe a build where you're countering a magical god (not just SWK / mana hungry against magical). Also, in most cases, I'd say if you get BoV or Nemean first (I wouldn't get Nemean first, I'd get it late-game), you should balance with a balanced protection item or a magical protection item in most cases...and you don't even describe a build that utilizes
In your basic builds, you also don't give any allowance for counter-building via items like
A basic build breakdown (even a simple one) should include different scenarios (I'm guessing you wanted this to be simple, but it isn't):
Maybe you should try and keep the unnecessary banter to a minimum seeing you only posted this picture to be rude.
It is not like you have posted anything at all except the copy pasting Deathwalkers general basic build and a picture to try and make Bran look bad with a comment from Deathwalker from discord (without the whole story).
So you have never tried to prove anything yet.
All you need to do is type in your counter arguments towards Bran's post about his thoughts on the builds. Then Bran can comment back and we have a nice civil discussion that we can all benefit from.
I would recommend that we just look away from this post (maybe delete the pic). And just appreciate the fact that Deathwalker wants to share a build here at least :)
General builds are nice and all, but they don't cover all of the situational matchups like Branmuffin was explaining.
Perhaps you disagree with something he said? Care to elaborate?
I can reference this though...
Looks like, depending on god type and matchup, a lot of what I'm saying is what these pros have been building.
So actually, I think I'm pretty accurate, at least in some cases.
As for Deathwalker, looks like he personally prefers
Also curious if that pic from Discord is actually Deathwalker =P Heard he's a cool guy, wondering if he'd respond like that in the first place.
I did provide a significant amount of extra information with references to support my suggestions, so I thought I was fairly accurate, but if you're right, cool.