July 24, 2019

Z-A: Rama to Neith

Views: 1665 Devampi
Just an update for those still interested. Most of these guys didn't really change So I can keep it kinda short.

Rama one of my favorite adcs with his astral arrows. Do need to get used to actually using his attack speed buff more often. However had great games sniping people like I used too.

Raijin well I remember playing him before however I now know a lot better how he works. especially Raiju. I finally know how he works. Also Bran witnessed me failing the ultimate because I remembered multiple cast options however left click fires the normal shot and the others are on the ability keys. However I thought on my right mouse button so I canceled my ult a lot of times.

Ra good old times almost lvl 3 on him now and yes he was the highest lvl god I had before. However with building he plays differently and more heal focused.

Poseidon never really played him however I will never undervalue his Trident again. that thing can do damage and really helps for stacking the passive too. I think I did more damage with that ability than the kraken. even if it was leveled as last skill.

Pele took me a while to learn that her ult also was a dash or how to cancel the 3, however damn she is fun to play.

Osiris So this is a weird one. never liked him until my return. had some trouble with misremember his 2 (I used 3 so many times to cast 2 XD). However he is fun and actually quite damage and survivability.

Olorun don't like his 2 that much after that he is nice.

Odin didn;t change apart from: remove Phantom Veil plz.

Nu Wa I felt like she did less damage however could be the clay minions and combo

Nox changed a lot don;t like her passive however she is quite fun. and annoying with her silence.

Nike well she got updated but old nike was pretty fun. curious to see how reworked Nike plays if I manage to grab her during the next few days.

new Nike like the 1 change and she feels more supporty also the jump into knockback from 2 combo into 1 is also quite potent, however don;t really like to have the shield up constantly when going aggro.

Nemesis So I think last time she was still a warrior when I played her XD as she felt squishier. also I noticed I prefer to play her AA based mostly because the only scaling abilities are her dash, which can be buggy when not double dashing immediately. and her Slice and Dice. So I ended up building a crit, na jk qin's nem or bruiser nem most matches.
The matches were quite annoying because of something with steam dcing me multiple times.

Neith, yeah I don;t know what changed however I don;t like her as much anymore could be because I tried the caster build and I was not really allowed to place weaves. should probably retry her with a qin's build instead of Ability based. I was surprised I did a lot of damage still though.