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DrxFlaskers's Blog
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December 19, 2018

Jormungandr Update

Views: 1663 DrxFlaskers
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DukeSloth  |  Jormungandr  |  Mixer  |  YouTube
In case anyone missed it, or is curious, DukeSloth made a video summarizing some spoilers from Hi-Rez dropped on Mixer during a Dev Stream here.

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December 17, 2018

Update Guessing Game

Views: 1697 DrxFlaskers
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smite  |  update
So I'm sure by now everyone has picked up that Smite updates roll out on Tuesdays, that being said is there a place where they let you know ahead of time what Tuesday the update is happening on? I've gotten pretty good at guessing, I just don't want to have to try and start the download before work (for some reason my console is finnicky about auto updating)

I'm assuming the 5.23 update is happening tomorrow, but I'm not sure.

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December 11, 2018

Fun Facts

Views: 1792 DrxFlaskers
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So, I was watching the trailer for the new Dragon Ball Super movie that's coming out in January, I remembered that when I first started playing Smite I used to play Sun Wukong constantly just because he is voiced by the great Sean Schemmel (voice actor for Goku, who is loosely based off of Sun Wukong IRL). Lol. Also, thanks Hi-Rez for giving us a DBZ inspired Hun Batz skin, but not a Wukong one.. :)

Also: I don't know about anyone else here but i own, and love the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series (this series is what led me to try out Smite in the first place), and find that I want a lot of characters from the book to have Gods added to Smite. If you haven't read them, and enjoy reading, I highly recommend them

Gods from the series I want in the game:
Scathach, the Warrior Maiden - Celtic
Prometheus, Master of Fire - Greek
Xolotl, Aztec god of fire - "Mayan"?

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December 10, 2018


Views: 1764 DrxFlaskers
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Joust  |  Kumbakharna
Let me start by saying I'm not a fan of Joust for the most part.

With the 31 days of Smite event going on, I've been trying to get some FWOTD's, and my go-to's for that so far have been Arena, Joust, and Assault. I did a conquest match on Saturday, and actually won, so that was nice. But anyways, I played a Joust match last night with a buddy of mine and another rando, and we absolutely dominated this match, and it was the most fun I've had in Joust probably ever. ***bakharna is so ridiculously good in Joust it almost feels bad playing him. Lol. The match can be seen here. Also had a pretty good Assault match with Sobek before this too... Bran's Overarching Assault Guide was the main reason I stuck with Sobek and I was not disappointed, so thanks Bran. Lol

Anyways yeah, just felt like sharing. Peace.

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December 06, 2018

Gifting Shenanigans

Views: 3211 DrxFlaskers
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What are your thoughts on the player gifting system that's coming in 5.23?

In case you don't keep up on Smite News, it was announced when 5.22 patch notes dropped, and i'm pretty sure it was supposed to go live with 5.22 but got pushed back to 5.23.

Also, its all random gifts, meaning you pick the category, ex. Skins, Voice Packs, Emotes etc. and the game will select and send a random gift to the player you chose. I'm pretty sure it's picking from what you currently have unlocked, its not like you roll a chest and it's sent to someone else..

I personally think this is a dumb way to do this. If I have a friend that really really likes the Dark Whisperer skin for Ah Muzen Cab, and he has Chompy Chibi for Fenrir, I want to be able to effectively trade those skins. Though technically you can, if you just gift over and over and over again until you're both happy.. But that sounds so tedious since I have like 140 skins or something and my buddy has close to or an equal number to that, t…
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