With the 31 days of Smite event going on, I've been trying to get some FWOTD's, and my go-to's for that so far have been Arena, Joust, and Assault. I did a conquest match on Saturday, and actually won, so that was nice. But anyways, I played a Joust match last night with a buddy of mine and another rando, and we absolutely dominated this match, and it was the most fun I've had in Joust probably ever. ***bakharna is so ridiculously good in Joust it almost feels bad playing him. Lol. The match can be seen here. Also had a pretty good Assault match with Sobek before this too... Bran's Overarching Assault Guide was the main reason I stuck with Sobek and I was not disappointed, so thanks Bran. Lol
Anyways yeah, just felt like sharing. Peace.
Interestingdisgusting.I inserted the word you were actually thinking.
For Myst's game: don't know why the Baron went
I have a somewhat soft spot for Joust. I've played the mode through the years mostly with Taço and GameGeekFan, and we've definitely had some fun...even had a reunion Joust match recently (played ***bha in this one
Been playing
This one was from Friday with Taço and DV-8. I didn't protect DV nearly well enough, but things overall went well.
This one from a couple of weeks ago was a lot of fun. Mitigated a hell of a lot. So yeah...Sobek is okay. I've never played him much, but I'm warming up to him.
Also Flaskers...woot on the Assault guide! Glad it helped.
And yeah there are a lot of good pointers in that guide.
I forgot to put here, I recorded a moment that I thought funny.
Oh damn that was a slick blink move!
Plus, blink that way is one of the best feelings you can feel on Smite
And about