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DucksRock's Blog
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July 21, 2017

Kuzenboness Vol.1, A Kuzenbo Rant

Views: 3429 DucksRock
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Beauty  |  Kuzenbo  |  Skin  |  Stunning
Right now, I suggest NOT even buying any Kuzenbo skins. I'm not even going to make an effort to buy him skins until he gets one that reflects what he needs.

That's maybe an overreaction, Depending on who you ask, But to me, Sex appeal is 100% a trait Kuzenbo needs to have in his skins. the only god who needs it 100% in his skins is Bacchus (oh, sure, and Kumbhakarna, happy r/smite?). but for Bacchus, he gets an arguably SEXIER skin each season... yes, it loses a bit of his beautiful default voice that is taken away, but they get a BETTER voice and it went up in sex appeal, and so... yay for Bacchus?

but see, Bacchus has very nice things going for his sex appeal, besides his sexy voice, he has:
A Fatter belly. Kuzenbo might have abs but that does not compare

A GLORIOUS belly flop, which Bacchus can use to majestically wack his enemies afterwards, all Kuzenbo has is his push.

An ult that IMMEDIATELY makes it easier for him to pick up girls by getting them drunk without con
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June 11, 2017


Views: 3783 DucksRock
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So, This might be the 1832756th time i've posted this kinda blog on Smitefire, but this time it might actually mean something because of a couple reasons:

1) I actually enjoy Smite. The reason why i couldn't enjoy it before was actually an aesthetic reason, cause I did some stuff a reddit thread told me to, which did make my fps better but it ****ed up my graphics, and I really couldn't enjoy the game after that for some reason.

2) I am completely free! after an incredibly tiring year at uni (Jesus ****ing christ) in which i had to manage tons of tasks and 2 jobs while still trying to maintain a social life, i have 2 free months. that's right. I only have a fast-food job to maintain which is actually pretty easy cause apparently people from my city are not fans of mcdonald's, lol.

So now that i've established that, I'm just gonna summarize what I did during that time:

1)Since I couldn't do a lot in terms of video games during that time, music was a thing I used to keep me from comp…
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March 17, 2017
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So, Hi!

So this will be a short one since I don't really have much time to actually write something that is meaningful, but ii'l do my best.

So, basically probably the last you've heared from me is when i changed my name on discord (it came off creepy af and i'm sorry for that but) it was basically a way to tell you guys that i was leaving. which, I kinda am!

So, basically i'm swamped and i've decided to step off from online games/other online communities because it just robs me of my time. whenever i start to talk to you guys, I just find myself being unable to leave the conversation, which is why you haven't seen me that much in general.

and I basically didn't play Smite for a really long time because i just didn't enjoy it anymore, they just took my favorite characters and just made them feel worse. and Izanami just feels really disgusting to play rn.

But my schedule is starting to loosen up. my test period is basically over, I have made sure to file my papers early so i coul…
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December 10, 2016

End of the Season Rush (Intro)

Views: 2923 DucksRock

So, we are nearing the end of season 3. this season was weird in every sense of the word, with Golden Bow providing one of the most fun metas in doulane and causing some major rage on other lanes, or is it the release of some of the most unique and ****ing triggering gods to date, like Jing Wei, Susano and ****ing Fafnir.

Which means its time for an END OF THE SEASON RANKED RUSH, BABY!

So, How is this gonna go? simple. let me open up with a short intro.
Ever since the patch before Golden Bow, i have been kinda on and off with Smite, outright quitting for periods of 2 months or 3 months. after i returend from those long breaks, i was no longer the ducks i used to be. i started sucking so ****ing hard it was embarrassing, i was losing games and defo not fit for ranked.

but now, i have returned. and my mechanical skill is starting to return too. Before my long breaks, i have actually been climbing the latter really fast, about a tier per 2 days because i was demolishing my oppone…
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November 30, 2016
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i am now reborn.
(i used a russian e at the end of the name so use this е to find me)

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DucksRock's Tags
Robin willliams dead Cancer and stuff. Smitelandia Let's make gods! Balanced gods. Death I wish he will be re Unreleased Really? Dicksucker Shit filled suicide new swear words Flying Usa.Girlfreind fart Anaconda The real deal So many fartz Army Israel America Back Serqet Janus. Break Ducks Not Break Free Done Nox Hun Batz Hi-Rez LoL Infinite Crisis Celebs Cabrakan the hoe Delayed Wait for it In Depth troll yh troll. get out of the lane wow pushed it way too fa Not lurking Lost Cant win Need help RATATOSKR PLZ Xbone Smite 800 Gems RATATOSKRRRRR Really Hypocrits Sorry Mowen :( Balancing Ideas Opinions Hirez Sucks Fire Drybear Plz Bitch im ah muzen removed no rickroll feedback please Guides Zeus Kali Chronos And More. Goodbye Global Agenda Palandins Fuck Hirez Bitches Khepri Guardian Yesss Another Guardian Abilities revealed. Tiermonster Smitefire Better Giveaways Appealing. #Remember #NeverForget Old Wa #FuckHiRez That Was Amazing I'm enlightened Important A Must Watch Share this Teachers Must Watch Back! Sol! Anyalizing gods Prize! Woohoo! Odysee! Back (Again x4) Mel <3 Mid New conq Complicated Fun Unpublished guides Hi Prism <3 Hi Zilbs <3 Hi Stuke <3 Chang'e! Ymir! Climbing Up! Raijin? Flo! Flo is bae. Kaldr! Skadi! First Step Thanks Wayne! Haha Guide Ymir Strategy Ymir tips please Russian Ymir ACT 1 DGC Robin One Piece Spoilers Ahead Archaeologist. New Noob Help Shape-A-Player Nice to meet ya! Smite. Level 30! Cacodemon Ymir! Better players!. so true get out Annoying SubJuly Hated Thank God I'm Not A Dance The Hampsterda God idea. IM BACK OMG damn look at her #BartBakersAnacondaP Female Hitler Wtf Fucked up. Uncalled for Add ice to burn Duck this Pun intened Duck intended Bye? *Situational It Dog #Dogs #ImmigrantDogs Filthy Cat Ranked Fuck Support Veriaty Pls report- Sgodi God yi [VEW]! #OfficialSkadi #Idk YES NO MORE SO FUCKING HAPPY FLOOOOO OMDASFMKASDFJNFDA FLOW WITH THE FLO ASDDAASDSDA MAS H Y P E Dont fucking look for another mem Ty Kali! SKADI omgggggggg Woohoo Jeremiah hazelnut #StopTheSusan Hou Nope what? ;) YASS! 20 MILION! Jing wei Ducks's guides adcccc X hou! 3 games! Adc > Other Roles #IDidntCopyBran #HouX We almost did it! Zilbs plea ;( imma cry why?! ii'l miss her so muc please read this yay fuck love life </ WTF DUCKS I AM NIKE #EndOfSeasonRush Thoth join in lets get to gold bb Kuzenbo Skin Beauty Stunning Kuzenboness your mother kueznboness

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