I picked Hou Yi. and oh boy, my team was absolutely horrifying. from a Hades mid feeding a Chronos (THAT'S RIGHT, CHRONOS!) INTO A TOWER DIVING BLAMING SUPPORT, I MEAN LIKE WTF!
i went 14-4 at the end, tired to carry, didnt work.
Second one:
I picked Skadi.
So basically, the highlight this game had is at the end. we were in a teamfight and i went splitpushing. i took 3 of their pheonixes down in 2 mins, and they were like "Welp, Let's keep fighting".
I had to press [VEL]. I had to.
on my own. it was ranked.
Edit: we can actually do ranked next time, could be fun.
Sure thing, I'll probably help ya out with being a support.
Woah, was this when we were playing together? Or was this when you were on ya own? Also, the game were I went Cabrakan support XD Good times.
on my own. it was ranked.
Edit: we can actually do ranked next time, could be fun.