January 20, 2016

First guide out! Clan Recruiting.

Views: 1144 DylanBamzy
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Hello Everyone!

For those who were waiting for it, it has finally arrived. My first guide has been released you can check it out here:

Carry Games with one hand, Literally

I am open to anything positive or negative about the guide and hopefully I will learn a lot from this exhilarating experience.

I found this really enjoyable to rely such information to new players in the SMITE Community so that they can have a great experience playing the game.

Hopefully if I get more work in, a video should be released in the coming weeks, hopefully before the end of February.

Anyways guys, be sure to check out the guide and express yourself in the comments section and I will try my best to reply all of them.

Shout out to Rakartheus for helping me with the the God matchups. He's an Platinum IV jungler who's is one of the best players I've queued with in a while. You can check out his profile @ Rakartheus

Shout of to Predict4 and FluxDensity for inspiring me to make informative guides. These are the ADC and Mid Laners for our team.

For people who are looking for an active clan on SMITE, my freinds and I run a clan called MOAM(Men On A Mission).
We are really active an play at least 2 games a day and have a running Teamspeak server for communication.
We are also really friendly guys and we are recruiting people to join us. SO if you are a SMITE player on the European servers looking for a clan, Just add me on SMITE you add you or Search up the clan in-game and apply and I will accept.

Peace out and see you in my next blog :)
