June 21, 2014

I hate the morons in this community

Views: 3956 FearsomeClarinet
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I just finished an arena match and I'm beginning to wonder why I thought it was going to be possible to play this game without buying the ultimate god pack. I got blamed for the entire match at the end by a hades player, saying that I was a noob idiot because my turret (I was playing Vulcan, because I can only carry my team with him, I'm on a losing streak) was facing the wrong way. Why are people this stupid? You place your turret to bodyblock when they are chasing so if they continue to chase they die. I told him this, and then he looked for another reason to blame me, saying that I wasn't in every teamfight. What he neglected then was that I was the ONLY ONE WHO GAVE A **** ABOUT THE MINIONS. I'm on a losing streak of like 10 matches because I get idiots who only want to do nonstop fights, rushing in to try and kill 3 people 4 levels over them. I just don't understand it, why is it that this never happened while I was level 1-10 but now that I'm in the meatier chunk everyone is an ******* that thinks they can do whatever they want and blames their team when stuff goes wrong. I thought maybe I could get enough favor to be a free-to-player from the wins of the day, but with the idiots I get matched up with it takes like 6 matches to get 1 win of the day. I hate this, I will never make it to league play because I can't level up because I can't win. All of you are going to say "oh, play with friends and it gets better." Well I don't have any friends to play with and it doesn't matter because I can't conceive anyone willing to play with me that isn't A: Much better than me that wants to teach me, which would be okay except I wouldn't have fun with my victories B: Way worse than me that I will have to teach, that will inevitably get POd that I'm telling them what they did wrong, or C: The same skill level as me that will blame me for losses and praise themselves for wins. I'm sure it gets better after level 30, but I don't know if I can get that far.