June 21, 2014
I hate the morons in this community
Views: 3956
I just finished an arena match and I'm beginning to wonder why I thought it was going to be possible to play this game without buying the ultimate god pack. I got blamed for the entire match at the end by a hades player, saying that I was a noob idiot because my turret (I was playing Vulcan, because I can only carry my team with him, I'm on a losing streak) was facing the wrong way. Why are people this stupid? You place your turret to bodyblock when they are chasing so if they continue to chase they die. I told him this, and then he looked for another reason to blame me, saying that I wasn't in every teamfight. What he neglected then was that I was the ONLY ONE WHO GAVE A **** ABOUT THE MINIONS. I'm on a losing streak of like 10 matches because I get idiots who only want to do nonstop fights, rushing in to try and kill 3 people 4 levels over them. I just don't understand it, why is it that this never happened while I was level 1-10 but now that I'm in the meatier chunk everyone is an ******* that thinks they can do whatever they want and blames their team when stuff goes wrong. I thought maybe I could get enough favor to be a free-to-player from the wins of the day, but with the idiots I get matched up with it takes like 6 matches to get 1 win of the day. I hate this, I will never make it to league play because I can't level up because I can't win. All of you are going to say "oh, play with friends and it gets better." Well I don't have any friends to play with and it doesn't matter because I can't conceive anyone willing to play with me that isn't A: Much better than me that wants to teach me, which would be okay except I wouldn't have fun with my victories B: Way worse than me that I will have to teach, that will inevitably get POd that I'm telling them what they did wrong, or C: The same skill level as me that will blame me for losses and praise themselves for wins. I'm sure it gets better after level 30, but I don't know if I can get that far.
I mean new players should practice on bots to know the item building before kicking on the real fight.
Sometimes i play against bot when Normal matches breaks loose....
Wow Sub. I'm surprised you didn't type that much.
And it was someone else!
Usually you'd type up a paragraph instead.
Sometimes people like to get their thoughts out all in one go, instead of breaking it apart needlessly.
I sense much anger in you.
Much anger indeed :P (No doubt this will mess up cause i barely post here xD)
And it was someone else!
Usually you'd type up a paragraph instead.
Welcome to the Smite community for you, population of the over-skilled Nazi dictator players that will loom over you and jump on ANY little mistake or mishap, or you get the players that go all "YOLO it's just a game!" and of course then you got players like you mentioned above blaming others for their own faults and bad plays.
I only play 3v3, and I ONLY will play 3v3 because Arena lag bombs on me and I end up throwing skill-shots in wrong direction, or end up jumping into a fight and unable to throw an attack due to lag and dying (And end up feeding) Especially when I was REALLY good with Loki and Bakasura in arena, once the update came to Arena it was way too laggy. but anyhow.
this is the community for you, no one gives a damn half the time on here and their go-to suggestion is "Play with friends!" problem is most players you meet will take full credit for a game arrogantly and claim "I carried this entire game" in lobby and instantly disconnect or you end up with players that you just WOULD NOT want to play with again whether you won by the skin of your teeth or they did stupid plays to cause a loss so early/INSTANT SURRENDER.
I will happily help you if you need a reasonable player but I can only do 3v3 and I could help mentor you a bit of what I know here and there if you wish, I don't claim to be a high-skill player though despite 30 lvl and 21 masteries under my belt, I am a casual player and make mistakes just like anyone else does, I don't judge unless someone REALLY needs the talking to about what they were doing is wrong (Ergo, rushing into fights WAY too hard, chasing, tower-diving at the worse time, and going into the jungle when all enemies are still high health/mana in lane, just a few things I say are bad things in 3v3 exp)
But on the closing note, try not to let it get you down, hell I just recently left for an ENTIRE month and came back and won 6 games in a row before taking a loss in 3v3, so best advice is you win some and you lose some (Even if it's 10 in a row) sadly I'm highly competitive so I can get easily aggravated at constant losses, but simply when you feel like you're losing a lot, step away from the screen and take a break, relax and cool off after intense battle and come back later and maybe you'll be more focused and keen, as the more you lose the more you want to win and you will start risking a lot and not thinking straight and end up losing more in the process no doubt. and if nothing else helps take a couple days off to rejuvenate!
Hope you have luck in the future! sincerely the Jackal~~
IGN: MidknightTiger (Not positive if I spaced, I don't think you can xD)
I sense much anger in you.
I only play 3v3, and I ONLY will play 3v3 because Arena lag bombs on me and I end up throwing skill-shots in wrong direction, or end up jumping into a fight and unable to throw an attack due to lag and dying (And end up feeding) Especially when I was REALLY good with Loki and Bakasura in arena, once the update came to Arena it was way too laggy. but anyhow.
this is the community for you, no one gives a damn half the time on here and their go-to suggestion is "Play with friends!" problem is most players you meet will take full credit for a game arrogantly and claim "I carried this entire game" in lobby and instantly disconnect or you end up with players that you just WOULD NOT want to play with again whether you won by the skin of your teeth or they did stupid plays to cause a loss so early/INSTANT SURRENDER.
I will happily help you if you need a reasonable player but I can only do 3v3 and I could help mentor you a bit of what I know here and there if you wish, I don't claim to be a high-skill player though despite 30 lvl and 21 masteries under my belt, I am a casual player and make mistakes just like anyone else does, I don't judge unless someone REALLY needs the talking to about what they were doing is wrong (Ergo, rushing into fights WAY too hard, chasing, tower-diving at the worse time, and going into the jungle when all enemies are still high health/mana in lane, just a few things I say are bad things in 3v3 exp)
But on the closing note, try not to let it get you down, hell I just recently left for an ENTIRE month and came back and won 6 games in a row before taking a loss in 3v3, so best advice is you win some and you lose some (Even if it's 10 in a row) sadly I'm highly competitive so I can get easily aggravated at constant losses, but simply when you feel like you're losing a lot, step away from the screen and take a break, relax and cool off after intense battle and come back later and maybe you'll be more focused and keen, as the more you lose the more you want to win and you will start risking a lot and not thinking straight and end up losing more in the process no doubt. and if nothing else helps take a couple days off to rejuvenate!
Hope you have luck in the future! sincerely the Jackal~~
IGN: MidknightTiger (Not positive if I spaced, I don't think you can xD)
Well that + the other team actually cares about the 7 tickets gained from last hitting and the 7 from going through the gate.
You know when i play i always get "forget bout minions they can kill each other" situation. I think i have bad karma.
Minions are great problem on Arena with random players. All team rushing to kill opossite players...and lose because minions easily walks through the gates, even the siege weapon walks through gates. Thats pity, yeah.
Well that + the other team actually cares about the 7 tickets gained from last hitting and the 7 from going through the gate.
Can check them out here:
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