May 24, 2016

R.I.P. Guide Making? & Fun News

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Hi mom  |  Hi dad  |  Hi grandma  |  Hi grandpa
I have no computer at the moment (well I have a laptop that's like 8+ years old but I haven't touched that in a while) because I was using a school laptop and I'm out for the summer, yeah. *insert party emoji* With having no way to actually do a guide properly, I'm not going to use my small, little iPhone 5S to make guides, I'll be away for a while till I figure out to fix/use my old laptop. I can still reply to any comments y'all make or add/delete some information in the guides. To lighten up this depressing news, I'm going to San Diego this 4th of July on a cruise! It's for a extracurricular event at school (FCCLA) so that kinda sucks but we get to go to the zoo, see the fireworks, learn to surf, and (beware) bungee jumping *passes out*. I really hope to get a guide out for a Warriour playing a Jungler role before then but I can't make any promises! I'll see y'all in the near future, Happy Smiting!