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Flaze249's Blog
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March 06, 2017


Views: 2273 Flaze249
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Bye  |  Done  |  Gone  |  Have Fun
Smite has been fun and all but I've gotten bored of it. The guide creating was fun and it was great to have such help from friends like Technotoad, Branmuffin, Zilby, and other nice, great commenters. I will keep the guides up and maybe finish the Freya build if I see it as any use to other. But farewell for now and have a great day/week/month/year/life! C: <3

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August 09, 2016

Help on Uploading Images??

Views: 1519 Flaze249
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I'm trying to upload an image from Photobucket for jungle starts but it just shows up as a website link. I don't know any other website that allows you to upload images or if I'm just doing something wrong so any help would be the best!

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July 25, 2016
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I have 6 loses in a row and more behind those with 1 win. I'm sick and tired of people pairing in two and surrendering/giving up in Joust. I'm extremely disgusted when people just slightly fall behind and then just surrender when I'm basically carrying the WHOLE team. All 6 of those games I had top damage and the better KDA because I'm actually TRYING the whole time. Most of those matches end between 10 - 12 minutes because they just surrender. I get that you want to play with friends because the game is about having fun and enjoying time being spent played with friends but it's almost stupid when both of you surrender in a joust match situation. I understand that you might think you're going to lose but that doesn't mean you can't try till the end. I'm so sick of people messaging me of how bad I played when 1. I probably did better than them 2. It's a casual not ranked 3. People have bad games. If your playing in a pair and wanting to surrender then one of you surrender and wait till …
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July 13, 2016
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So I've been messing around with the new heartseeker and ritual dagger and I don't know which one is better early game. I usually play assassins like Kali and Awilix and Heartseeker is doing really good on both of them. The plus 40 power buff and the plus 20 or 30 power buff on Incense is extremely good for ganking with Kali and Awilix's passive just does really good with Heartseeker to just unload all of your abilities on an enemy. But Ritual Dagger provides health, cool down, and attack speed which kinda helps both of them early game. The passive also helps keep gods on lockdown since I usually get curse first. I don't really know which one to choose so if you have any thoughts or any ideas on how you feel about them I'll gladly read them in the comments!

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May 24, 2016

R.I.P. Guide Making? & Fun News

Views: 1091 Flaze249
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Hi dad  |  Hi grandma  |  Hi grandpa  |  Hi mom
I have no computer at the moment (well I have a laptop that's like 8+ years old but I haven't touched that in a while) because I was using a school laptop and I'm out for the summer, yeah. *insert party emoji* With having no way to actually do a guide properly, I'm not going to use my small, little iPhone 5S to make guides, I'll be away for a while till I figure out to fix/use my old laptop. I can still reply to any comments y'all make or add/delete some information in the guides. To lighten up this depressing news, I'm going to San Diego this 4th of July on a cruise! It's for a extracurricular event at school (FCCLA) so that kinda sucks but we get to go to the zoo, see the fireworks, learn to surf, and (beware) bungee jumping *passes out*. I really hope to get a guide out for a Warriour playing a Jungler role before then but I can't make any promises! I'll see y'all in the near future, Happy Smiting!

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