January 21, 2015

Breakthrough to Diamond (psssh... 1v1)

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I never hoped to get to diamond thinking I was MLG when I was at gold 1. How did I start liking 1v1's? Back when it was a casual gamemode, I loved it! Not to mention some youtubers that I aspired to be like. (some even getting an 100 - 0 record!)

I went from bronze 5 to gold I believe. I jogged up a couple of tiers in gold and got stuck at gold 1 for a while. I wasn't nearly as good a jouster as I am now but I was eh... I learned how to head on take someone on. I learned how to outplay someone but not to control the map. I took almost as long in plat and learned so much more. Buff rotations, camp contesting, lane pressure, back-dooring (stronger than you'd think), and even adding more to basic dueling.

I was content with the plat border I get from the season 1 rewards until I started watching more streamers, youtubers, and just making sense of what's happening while they're in the jungle. I started winning a lot more, got all the way from plat 4 to plat 2. And then I'm like, I'm definitely trying to get a diamond icon before season 1 ends. THEN, season 1 gets extended 20 days! Hell yeah! Even a bigger surprise, I played really well in plat 2, I got promoted to diamond 5. Played 3 games in diamond so far (even though I've played against diamond players, it just feels different) and I crushed most of them ;). My last game - Loki vs Nox, which I usually lose, I won. Very close and great match, kudos to my opponent.

So what I'm trying to say is keep going on an elo streak! Don't settle :D! I'm trying to go for platinum in conquest now before season 2 which isn't likely but I'm definitely betting on at least gold 2. I was excited to play new qual matches to directly get in gold but I guess I can wait a bit.

Also, I'm back on track with my guides! I know it's been a crazy 2014 but I'm starting to manage my time a bit more "wisely" meaning I just get less sleep so I can find a balance between sports, gaming, and school. Welp.