I went from bronze 5 to gold I believe. I jogged up a couple of tiers in gold and got stuck at gold 1 for a while. I wasn't nearly as good a jouster as I am now but I was eh... I learned how to head on take someone on. I learned how to outplay someone but not to control the map. I took almost as long in plat and learned so much more. Buff rotations, camp contesting, lane pressure, back-dooring (stronger than you'd think), and even adding more to basic dueling.
I was content with the plat border I get from the season 1 rewards until I started watching more streamers, youtubers, and just making sense of what's happening while they're in the jungle. I started winning a lot more, got all the way from plat 4 to plat 2. And then I'm like, I'm definitely trying to get a diamond icon before season 1 ends. THEN, season 1 gets extended 20 days! Hell yeah! Even a bigger surprise, I played really well in plat 2, I got promoted to diamond 5. Played 3 games in diamond so far (even though I've played against diamond players, it just feels different) and I crushed most of them ;). My last game - Loki vs Nox, which I usually lose, I won. Very close and great match, kudos to my opponent.
So what I'm trying to say is keep going on an elo streak! Don't settle :D! I'm trying to go for platinum in conquest now before season 2 which isn't likely but I'm definitely betting on at least gold 2. I was excited to play new qual matches to directly get in gold but I guess I can wait a bit.
Also, I'm back on track with my guides! I know it's been a crazy 2014 but I'm starting to manage my time a bit more "wisely" meaning I just get less sleep so I can find a balance between sports, gaming, and school. Welp.
Out of curiosity, what's your go-to god for 1v1? Since you're diamond you've obviously climbed well, just curious which god it was as. I know Loki can dominate quite a few mages, hunters, and other assassins, I just know he can struggle very hard against bruisers and tanks, who simply live through his things and then kill him.
Oh, and not to detract from it: Congrats! Ranked in Smite is very often underappreciated compared to like, League of Legends ranked, and diamond is something to be VERY proud of. Congratulations, man!
I will usually pick between Loki, Freya, Nox, Chang'e, Osiris, Kali, and Bakasura. Depending on the bans and depending on what I feel like playing, I'll go one or the other gods, as of now my most played probably Loki, Freya, and Nox atm. I actually didn't use Loki as much while ranking up. I used more of Freya, Kali, and Chang'e on and off whoever wasn't banned.
The only gods Loki can't compete with at all is Kali, Mercury, and Chronos. Going against warriors is always difficult but you need to maximize your backdoor potential. Warding, teleport to wards, max flat pen, double stacks, etc. The hardest warriors to play against as Loki are Hercules and Osiris. Vamana being the next hardest can be stalled and his ult -> tower dive is rendered useless against
And thank you Raventhor, GeouZu!
Oh, and not to detract from it: Congrats! Ranked in Smite is very often underappreciated compared to like, League of Legends ranked, and diamond is something to be VERY proud of. Congratulations, man!
Good job and stuff... :D
Beware the Toast will eventually 'jog' up to your level once he finishes with excessive amounts of exams and projects.
I will look out! I see you are in silver 5 rn, just ask me if you ever need help. With the right mindset, you can pubstomp to platinum easy. I only hope you rank up with me in conquest ;)
Beware the Toast will eventually 'jog' up to your level once he finishes with excessive amounts of exams and projects.