February 12, 2017
A little help would be nice :)
Views: 3551
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been active on here. I haven't played on a day-to-day basis since the beginning of last summer, and ever since then I've slowly been getting around to play less and less. Eventually, I haven't touched the game since late October, which is crazy. Smite is probably my most played video-game, and I recently thought about it. I now have so much time, after being done with college applications and other stuff. So I thought about coming back to it casually in Season 4.
I just wanted to know if I could get some help getting back into the game. Brief summaries on what has changed, and the most essential things I need to know now without burdening teammates. I could've made a reddit post or just hopped on the game, but I feel as though I haven't popped on here in a while. Also, the game is down right now :(.
TL;DR - What's up w/ everyone? Also gimme tips
Other than what everyone has already said here, I think sticking to the gods you were most comfortable with during your first 10-20 games could help you get back on track.
That's what I always do ^^
Is it weird that the items I'm most excited about are:
At the same time, this is making it clear who the early-game potential snowballers are...
Anyway, yeah, check the conq guide for starts and starting processes...these are standard, but it really depends...Jungler will start in Solo most (and it makes the most sense) but a lot of times you'll see them start Mid. Makes things a bit more unpredictable. Reason for this is because the pre-game Conq timer got reduced to 1 minute, and the ENTIRE jungle spawns at 0:30...so minions are already hitting lanes by the time the jungle spawns.
I also take it that the jungle leaves mid alone more and sticks to jungle camps cause you get more XP from camps than waves? right?
It has been updated for S4.
If you need a recap with the new items, Bran also updated his An In-Depth Discussion On Item Choices