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Nogglez's Blog
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March 16, 2013

First Video Posted

Views: 1835 Nogglez
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Loki  |  Montage  |  Short  |  Smite  |  Video
I posted a video, but not the one previously mentioned. That one is still being edited, albeit a much slower pace and saving quite often*. This video is a Loki montage, because Montages require very little effort, just transitions and cutting out the space in between sick 360 MLG pro no scope ults**. I will eventually get around to finishing the bigger video, but I might put out a few "filler" videos since they are lots of fun to make and yes, even edit***.
The Video

*My first video I got around to editing was never saved in the 2 hour process of editing. I lost everything I had worked on, except from the full match itself.
**That was a joke. Treat it like one and give me a pity laugh.
***I stated in the previous post how I hated editing. That really only applies to big, 30 minutes matches because no one like to watch a standard boring game, hunting for funny events desperately.

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March 11, 2013

Video's In Process of being made?

Views: 1486 Nogglez
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Entertainment  |  Guides  |  Smite  |  Video
So, as some of you may know, I recently got into a project called the Smite Study Group, which is designed to help new players become familiar with the game. We have, for the most part thus far, been getting familiar with eachother and our playstyles, and doing some ranked on the side. I recently have started recording different matches and hopefully I can start doing guides and entertainment videos.

Unfortunately, my first attempt to edit the footage ended with disaster. I had spent 2-3 hours of editing, and finally pieced together something that was both comedic and well made. I had started off enjoying it, but taking 30 minute matches, watching all of them and taking highlights out to piece together a video, adding effects, music, and text for more effect, starts to take a toll. I admittedly grew bored, and careless. Throughout the process I did not save once, and then, towards the last few minutes of editing, my computer crashed due to an issue with the video card. I did not have …
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March 07, 2013
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Competition  |  Ranked  |  Smite  |  Strategy
Our team faced off Team HandofDivinity and won our first game in ranked. More games to come, our team comp was as follows:

Noggles - Cupid Left Lane Physical Carry

Xeraxus - Hades Left Lane Support

ChaosLord - Vulcan Mid Lane Magical Carry

Nugeneration - Artemis Right Lane Physical Carry

theBSinator - Anubis Right Lane Magical Carry

Lots of fun, good game to team HandofDivinity.

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