Unfortunately, my first attempt to edit the footage ended with disaster. I had spent 2-3 hours of editing, and finally pieced together something that was both comedic and well made. I had started off enjoying it, but taking 30 minute matches, watching all of them and taking highlights out to piece together a video, adding effects, music, and text for more effect, starts to take a toll. I admittedly grew bored, and careless. Throughout the process I did not save once, and then, towards the last few minutes of editing, my computer crashed due to an issue with the video card. I did not have the heart to start over, so maybe in the future I will pick it up again and edit more, for now I will just keep gathering footage :)
Video's In Process of being made?
Views: 1499 NogglezUnfortunately, my first attempt to edit the footage ended with disaster. I had spent 2-3 hours of editing, and finally pieced together something that was both comedic and well made. I had started off enjoying it, but taking 30 minute matches, watching all of them and taking highlights out to piece together a video, adding effects, music, and text for more effect, starts to take a toll. I admittedly grew bored, and careless. Throughout the process I did not save once, and then, towards the last few minutes of editing, my computer crashed due to an issue with the video card. I did not have the heart to start over, so maybe in the future I will pick it up again and edit more, for now I will just keep gathering footage :)
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