March 11, 2013

Video's In Process of being made?

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Video  |  Smite  |  Guides  |  Entertainment
So, as some of you may know, I recently got into a project called the Smite Study Group, which is designed to help new players become familiar with the game. We have, for the most part thus far, been getting familiar with eachother and our playstyles, and doing some ranked on the side. I recently have started recording different matches and hopefully I can start doing guides and entertainment videos.

Unfortunately, my first attempt to edit the footage ended with disaster. I had spent 2-3 hours of editing, and finally pieced together something that was both comedic and well made. I had started off enjoying it, but taking 30 minute matches, watching all of them and taking highlights out to piece together a video, adding effects, music, and text for more effect, starts to take a toll. I admittedly grew bored, and careless. Throughout the process I did not save once, and then, towards the last few minutes of editing, my computer crashed due to an issue with the video card. I did not have the heart to start over, so maybe in the future I will pick it up again and edit more, for now I will just keep gathering footage :)