January 30, 2014


Views: 1620 NoMoreHope
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Before I start let me make one thing clear if this offends you I really don't care! don't read it!
Also this is my blog and I can post what I want to!
So here we go everyone (deep breath)

You need to raise your kids better! a ****ing seven year old should not be walking down the street singing MY NIGGA MY NIGGA WTF is wrong with today's parents? seriously! WTF ever happened to THINGS LIKE MORALS AND MANORS **** THIS GENERATION! Not one **** is given by so many people that our government is destroying this planet! If **** doesn't change fast we are going to have a nuclear war! People so please! I know you might think being politically active is useless but do you know how many people think that! Its ****ing ridiculous! the only way **** is going to change is if WE THE PEOPLE! make it happen!