Anyways, my Kali guide also reached #1, which I apologize for not getting off my lazy butt to fix it. As well as finishing up the Ne Zha guide. Which I humbly hope will come at the Fenrir patch. Although you can certainly leave Vamana guide reviews in the comments below. Especially a certain *cough* HiFromBuddha *cough* I hope he didn't read this. Here are the screenshots in your face.
Informative Stuff
Views: 3229 RagingstormAnyways, my Kali guide also reached #1, which I apologize for not getting off my lazy butt to fix it. As well as finishing up the Ne Zha guide. Which I humbly hope will come at the Fenrir patch. Although you can certainly leave Vamana guide reviews in the comments below. Especially a certain *cough* HiFromBuddha *cough* I hope he didn't read this. Here are the screenshots in your face.
Because your face.
Edit: I forgot to ask why do you, natsu, and sunfall have CPU's as your sigs and pictures? xD
I doubt Vamana is gonna see any redemption soon, until he gets so OP that he'll have to either be reverted back to how he was 5-6 patches ago or he'll have to be reworked.
Good job on the Kali guide, +Rep to your nasty face.