March 04, 2014

Scylla- Forever Furious, Devastating Might

Views: 2947 Ragingstorm
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Hello, I am Ragingstorm, many people do not know me, or at least know I'm just some random person among the forums passing by from time to time. But there are still some people. Some, who's heard of me from months past. Anyways, slowly and surely, I have inched my way back into Smitefire. And now, I leave a surprise....A sneak peek into what I will be working on. It is my time to make my official return.(Ignore the Nezha text please, I'm still working on the guide.)
For all of you who don't know who Kooch is, he is one of the best guidemakers in 2012, he had the highest rated/best Wukong and Guan Yu guides of this site. Or shall I say Hun Batz, since that's what many have been calling him ever since the change.