June 19, 2014


Views: 3429 Raventhor
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one  |  year  |  anniversary  |  personal  |  sappy  |  expectations  |  plans
So, since Tormented Turnip reminded me (since I didn't remember myself), I figured I should make a blog post.

It's my one year anniversary for joining Smitefire!

It's been a long and crazy ride. I've seen all types of people - editors, veterans, ragers, and wallflowers, all come and go. I've seen the site expand, I've seen many gods be released, and I've seen a lot of people learn the game. It's crazy.

But it's meant a lot to me. I've found an online community I'm not leaving because of how close to me it is. I've made so many friends here, and I'd never want to lose my connection to the site. Even during periods where I played smite less, I still checked smitefire literally every day.

I still remember the first guide I made way back when, the glass cannon ra, and everything that followed. It's felt so long ago...smitefire actually helped me get through my first year of college with a little foundation that I could adhere to.

I'm rambling, this isn't going anywhere. But I'd like to make some thanks and promises/hopes.

First, thanks to everyone I've met along the way. You've made smitefire enjoyable, which is something purely the people here can do. I can honestly say there's not a single person on this site that I don't enjoy the company of, and that's rare. Everyone I see day to day is a pleasure encountering, and you are the ones that spurred discussion to make my post count high, the ones who give me reputation for what I say, the ones who vote on the guides I make, the ones who, simply, make me want to be here with your insight and your fun.

Second, You're gonna see me around enough for a two year anniversary. This place, because of you, means a lot to me, and I'm happy to stick around for as long as I'm valued and a positive influence.

Third, I'm going to keep growing. Smitefire's discussion on the game has slowed as every topic has slowly been covered, but I'm still trying to remain as active as possible, with my shift leaning more towards new guides and new gods, since we've kind of covered everything already in the game. I hope to remain as insightful as possible into new gods and theorycrafting as I was with the actual game. And I hope to keep moving forward. Hopefully one day I'll join TormentedTurnip up on his high pedestal (You still owe me 5 dollars you jackwagon) but that's not a position gained through experience, but worthiness, so that's for a different discussion. Either way, even if I'm kept as a veteran, I'll try to keep being one of the best veterans the site's ever seen.

And now I'd like to make a list of people who helped along the way.
Talimgor - a person who was never on the site, but the person who got me into smite.

TormentedTurnip - probably the closest person I know on smite, he's just been a common message buddy and we were constantly rising through the ranks beside one another. It's been easy staying active on smitefire when you know someone like him.

UnknownPandr - Someone I played both League and Smite with often, who was another friend on smitefire. His overall enjoyable attitude made it easy to stay around.

Subzero - someone who joined after me but was explosive in what he did, and despite (I suppose) being around longer, his flamboyant energy kept me inspired to stay active.

And so many more that I could list without anything to say but thanks, like Jararo, Razemage, HiFromBuddha, Mowen herself, Darkjaw, Swampmist, All4, Jorden, Soapsuds, even Arka, ICEN with all his rage, Penta, OddArcade, Silver, Aphnex, MadDanny, M4xiimus, Talenheim, Fatality, BestMinionEver, Firraria, NinjaTrigger, Sunfall, Genocide Lord, Greenevers, Pizzarugi, FERRUMsLASH (just for you), Chiulin, Dacoqrs (which I think I misspelled but hot damn dude your name), Nex, Levask even, Demolibium, Thiel (Who I really miss because that guy had good insights), Muas, Setolino, Sirsir94, SoacBas (that dude who oversees the podcasts), and trillions more people I simply do not have the time to list. You all made me who I am on the site today, and if I forgot you I promise you helped too.

But to wrap this up...thank you, and I hope the next year is better than the first!

Yours Truly,