January 01, 2014

Happy New Years! (This totally isn't overdone)

Views: 1248 Raventhor
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Happy New Years!

Just want to wish everyone well and offer, I suppose, a personal update with how things are going, and promises for the new year.

I start College again on January 17th, then finish in late May. My schedules look good - packed monday, easy tuesday-friday, with completely open Saturday/Sunday. If anyone wants to game, I do it pretty much every college night, as it's a good time fill.

Otherwise, nothing really anyone would want/care to hear. Same ol' same ol' for any average adult-teenager!

For guides, I plan on thoroughly reviewing my Chronos and Tyr guides to keep them up to date (My god, Chronos still has Book of Thoth as a core item instead of, now, a possible at best. >.>)
My Glass Cannon Ra will be updated to not be a gimmick build, but include a full guide with that as it's premier, including Support/Healer Ra, Mid-Lane Mage Ra, and Tanky Ra.

Oh, now's a good time to bring that up! Remember that random time I said I was going to make the introduction to smite and never did? I wrote up about half the guide, but when it came time to find videos, pictures, and figure out how to make it not look like an essay, I archived it and set it aside for when I had more time (Finals week was rolling up and I needed to study). Now that I'm on break, and will lead into a very easy 2nd semester, I'll finally put more time into it and finish it!

If anyone has the link to the forum thread with all the suggestions, by the way, that'd be great. I am going to have a hell of a time finding that for everything I need in there.

I also aim to be either the next Vet or the one after, with how much content I'm going to spew out into new guides, forum threads, and my OWN new guides. I know I've been overtaken by a LOT of newbies in posts, but I hope my content has always been decent, so as long as that's on track, ~1k posts in a few months should work well to my credit! :D

For smitefire, I'm so glad to be a part of the community. I want to thank you all for a very good last half of 2013, including making friends on the site (Shout out, specifically, to TT, UP, Jararo, and Swampmist) as well as a lot of people I hope I become closer with, that I have at least talked to. I'm so happy to be held in high regard here, especially referencing the thread on opinions on everyone, where I nearly coughed up my heart from pure joy. I can't wait to continue my experiences into next year, making new buds with people on here, and hopefully representing smitefire well!

In summary, I love all you *****es, and Happy New Year! :D