November 06, 2013

On Moving Up

Views: 1369 Raventhor
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Editor  |  MovingUp  |  Sappy
Before I start, this is going to be a small reflection on my smite history, and gratitude, so if you're looking for something mechanical or numerical like you might be used to me giving, it won't be here. This is, actually, just a reflection on my progress here in Smitefire.

As Mowen posted on the mainpage, I was, with TormentedTurnip and RazeMage, promoted on Smitefire. I'm now an Editor instead of a User. While I may not be a veteran or moderator, administrator or owner, to put it simply, it feels great. I've been playing for a good while, despite only being on Smitefire since late July. It's always been an honor to be able to provide logical, numerical, statistical, or theoretical insight into people's guides, posts, the balance of the game, and the game in general. Post after post I've either tried to provide advice or an insight, or shown my personality more and more through messing around with the various other posters on the site, from the most infamous, to the most benevolent, to the single-commenting, most remotely unknown person on the site, and slowly my tally added up to currently over 700 comments, and 3 homepaged guides.

And the shortest way to say it, is it's great to feel recognized for what I've done.

But I can't take credit for it completely.

If my guides hadn't been voted on, It'd have not gotten homepaged. If they'd not been commented on, I couldn't have discussed my views and provided my insight. If I had been ignored or not respected in threads, I'd have not been noticed, and not been on Ward Up as a guest. Without the positive view from the community, this wouldn't have been possible.

I know this sounds like some cheesy oscar award speech, and to be honest, some people could be envious, while most simply won't care and figure this isn't even close to a big deal at all; that it's unnoticeable. But it's really important to me, and I'm glad I'm viewed as a positive influence on the community. I'm happy the way I participate is seen as influential and beneficial enough to become an editor.

I hope to progress even more, by being even more impactful than I am currently.

TL;DR, thank you all so much for listening to this, and thank you for, I guess, the respect you give me. I respect each and every one of you just as much, and I've never seen a nicer community. I feel right at home here, and it's a great feeling. :)