March 06, 2014

Scylla Guide in the Works (NOT BS THIS TIME I SWEAR)

Views: 1792 Raventhor
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Ok so I've been loving Scylla. I'm close to mastery (will leave me at a CLEAN rank 50), and I feel she definitely works very well as a glass cannon one-shot mage. I'm not going to publish it until I test heavily, possibly leaving me too far behind on the curve with other guides being homepaged quicker, but I've never been one to skim on quality for quickness. Even if only one person sees the guide, at least I know that person will see the effort I put into it.

This isn't an empty promise like my Nemesis guide was either. I just noticed too many very detailed, very good nemesis guides, and didn't feel a need to create one.

Stay tuned :)