So I got a hexakill (note the best multi-kill was 6) in an arena as bakasura, went 27-6-13, I think I'm starting to get better at assassins. While I love Chronos, Neith, Chang'E, Poseidon, and Tyr, I think it's time to start focusing my skillsets with Bakasura, Loki, Ne Zha, Arachne, and Thanatos.
Also went 13-5-15 with Arachne in an assault, with a triple kill from the grave with spiderlings. That's not skill, but that's hilarious, haha.
Anyway, nothing that interesting. Still working on the Smite introduction. It's (un)surprisingly difficult to make a handbook for new players, be COMPLETELY thorough, yet not become boring. I just had to share my fun little game here. :D
What I mean by this, is an assassin can't win a teamfight. He can instagib a carry or mage, but he can't actively win the teamfight. What he does, is gank successfully, farm the jungle well, and then work on ganking further to snowball the lanes.
In Arena and Domination it's all too easy to simply catch someone out and WRECK them.
In Conquest and Assault, it's much more team oriented. What you have to do is set up your allies to snowball heavily, while staying relevant yourself enough to be able to burst someone heavily.
My main is and will always be Loki (although Chronos is a 2nd place, if not a tie). But I've seen way too many complain about bad teammates when we lose and he goes 13-0-0. Notice the final number is a 0. I'd rather have a 4-0-9 assassin that gets each lane three kills than an assassin who has everything and contributes nothing to the team's strength. Because in the late game, when the teamfights roll around, he's killing an Ao Kuang and then doing nothing.
I'm sorry if this sort of beats around the bush, I'm speaking as I think instead of forming a constructed argument like I usually do, but I think my point is getting across. The assassin's role is first to snowball lanes, then to snowball himself.
In a teamfight, Ne Zha and Thanatos can be straight up fighters, but more 100-0 one shot wonders like Loki and Arachne are meant to oneshot and get out. Then regroup with your team - even without an ult, a 5v4 will end up winning slowly if you don't die after killing. You are easily the weakest link of the team in a straight up teamfight - you prosper in catching people out of position in the jungle or such. In a teamfight you can't go straight after someone, so wait for an initiate from either side, and flank them for an easy squishy kill.
Anyway, I hope that answers some questions. I think junglers have the most impact in the entire game, even more than mids, since junglers can ALWAYS gank with NO downside. In essence, there's a reason why Dignitas, the #1 team in the world atm, has their jungler, Lassiz, as head captain and shotcaller ;)