September 04, 2014

Possible Arachne rework in the pipeline?

Views: 2163 riomhaire
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Arachne  |  update
Hey, all, so I decided that today I will try my hand at some Smite/esports/random blogging. Mainly, I just like the idea that people might read what I say, and I finally have something to say.

So I'm watching the pregame show for the Solomid/Morality match, and this little bubble pops up in the corner. DevTalk discussing Arachne. And all of a sudden, I must know what is going on. Is Arachne finally getting a rework to where her poison claws will scale into the late game? Is there some new tactic on the pro circuit that involves Arachne wrecking? The last god on DevTalk that wasn't a reveal (at least, the times that I watched it) was Nu Wa. And the next patch completely rethinks her kit. And makes it a bit broken. But that isn't what I am discussing, because the important part is that it looks like our favorite spider may be up for some new moves.

Now, given what HiRez did to Wa, I am half afraid that the competitive scene will be forced to waste another ban because Arachne gets serious improvements to all 4 skills. And maybe an ability that isn't a skill shot. (Seriously, HiRez, putting an auto-hit into a skill shot game is almost as dumb as the Skittles python tweet. But that's a rant for another post.)

The point is, we could be seeing a completely different Arachne in the near future. And that is halfway scary and halfway awesome thought. I just hope that total reworks don't become the norm, because it means that every so often someone who knew exactly how to play a god has to relearn their main. And that's not cool.

All that remains is to wait and see.

Riomhaire out.