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Scarz99's Blog
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September 26, 2015

Call To Arms

Views: 1598 Scarz99
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Gods  |  Guardian  |  Guides
My new Athena guide "Call To Arms" is finally out. It has a tank and damage build as well as a complete item selection section and team comp ideas.

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September 13, 2015

New Gods

Views: 1475 Scarz99
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Just dreaming but here is a list of gods I would LOVE to see in Smite.
  1. Hunahpu- Mayan. The second of the Hero Twins seems to have a gift for being completely immortal. He's had an arm ripped off and even HIS HEAD but his brother just replaced it with a pumpkin and he was fine. He is the god of the sun where his brother is the moon. Probably another hunter but just think of what this guys kit would be like.
  2. Toth- Egyptian. His power is hugely underestimated. He is the god of written language. I would want this one to be a guardian just by thinking of what written language does. It preserves knowledge and without it you would not be reading this, particularly because computers wouldn't even exist.
  3. Od- Norse. Freya's husband is now a hideous sea monster. Enough said. I would probably make him a warrior but guardian would also work. Yimr is still the only Norse guardian.
  4. Vidar- Norse. What a BOSS!!! This son of Odin is the god of the forest, revenge and silence. Supposedly

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September 09, 2015

Athena Guide

Views: 1789 Scarz99
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Gods  |  Guardian  |  Guides  |  Support  |  Tank
So, my next guide is going to be Athena. Due to some suggestions as to how I could improve my guide it may take me a bit longer to get it out. I'm currently working on it and am finding that while doing my research I'm learning so much about Athena myself.

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September 05, 2015

Next Guide

Views: 2418 Scarz99
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Gods  |  Guides  |  Strategy  |  Team Comp
Hello everyone. I'm thinking about what my next god guide should be. It will most likely be a tank/ support but I have no idea witch one. If anyone has one they want me to cover please comment. Se ya in game.

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September 01, 2015

Xing Tian

Views: 2273 Scarz99
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Gods  |  Guardian  |  Support  |  Tank
So today was the release of the first Chinese guardian. All I have to say is WHY SMITE!!! I love him because I love tanking but when I build him full tank and still have top kills and player damage I question how balanced the god is. The problem is his scaling. His #1 has 60%, his #2 has 70% his #3 has 60% and his ult has 150% TOTAL. Anyone think they know how this god could be effectively nerfed? Please send me your reply.

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