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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆
SlowMotionSpeed's Blog
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June 14, 2014

Hahaha... No Guides, Wildstar!

Views: 1180 SlowMotionSpeed
+Rep | Report
guides  |  no  |  wildstar
I think the title says all... Just why did I have to play the first dungeon?

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April 26, 2014
+Rep | Report
+  |  2014  |  Discussion  |  in  |  is  |  Kinda  |  Likes  |  of  |  or  |  Reading  |  Reputation  |  Sad  |  SlowMotionSpeed  |  SmiteFire  |  Still  |  Tags  |  That  |  the  |  Value  |  What
I've noticed a lot of people being more involved in the community, and that's great thing to see, however the ease and value of the purple reputation, or earning likes on a guide is lowering. We're lowering the bar, and how much effort and work it takes inorder to earn reputation, or likes in a guide in this game.

What is Reputation; How is it earned?

in SmiteFire is a system used to improve the reputation of others. For example if they're trustworthy, doing something outstanding in the community, or going beyond expectations when it comes to the amount of activity on this site.
It is earned through other forum members pressing a purple plus sign inorder to give you reputation for what you have done. Whether or not you can be rep. multiple times by one person, I do not know however the standards of giving reputation is starting to lower.

Over the course of 3 months I've seen so many active people on the forum gain a lot of reputation within the short amount of time they'…
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April 12, 2014

[VEW] Confirmed Soon to be God Guides

Views: 1374 SlowMotionSpeed
+Rep | Report
Effort  |  Guides  |  Returning  |  SlowMotionSpeed  |  Work
Though many don't actually know me, or I'm purty sure no one really does. I haven't been on in a while due to my activity on /r/SmiteTradingPost. I finally decide to try to comeback and create some awesome guides and bring my plan for the future of my guides.

I've been playing Smite for a pretty long time, and already have 3 level 30 account, which now SlowMotionSpeed is my main. I used to help format guides for WinglessWings, as a good friend and played quite early in the close beta. (Sun Wu Kong was my favorite however never got bought Hel or the Godpack when it was 10$ :( ) Anyway I've been working on Road to Legendary for Nu Wa, my currently main god. So I decide I'd finally try to create a god guide that doesn't necessarily focus on one topic but is broad guide, hopefully covering every role, how to ward, when to ward, and all that good stuff with each god.

(1) I would like to start creating my God Guide Format in WordDocument, like I do with all my guides or go…
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February 02, 2014

Let's Discuss: The Gaming Community

Views: 1487 SlowMotionSpeed
+Rep | Report
Community  |  Discuss  |  Fire  |  Gaming  |  Growing  |  Ha  |  If your  |  Let's  |  Many  |  Random  |  reading  |  SlowMotionSpeed  |  Smite  |  So  |  still  |  Tags  |  The  |  this  |  Toxicity  |  Whole  |  Why
Recently I wanted to discuss about the topic, about the gaming community in general. Lately I've seen All4Gamer's Post about his life, I also saw the comments on how there we're so many supportive responses and answers. Everyone seemed to relate or try to put more empathy rather than being a jerk. Also I've seen posts about toxicity climb, whether on /r/Smite, or even on blog posts on this site. By the way we create our image here on SmiteFire, and I seen a post on the subreddit, about rejoining SmiteFire or giving it another chance, which is another topic I would like to discuss below.

First. Lets discuss about the views about the gaming community. I always thought of the gaming community as a place where no matter who you we're, what you've done, or how you live, you would always be accepted. Its a place where anyone can relate to your experiences or the experiences from games. Whether its expressing through emotion, fanart, fanfiction, music, and ect. Or even just commenting and gi…
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December 07, 2013
+Rep | Report
Gods  |  Guides  |  New  |  SlowMotionSpeed  |  Smitefire
I'm not here to complain about guides being posted in the first week, and everyone complaining how no one understands them. I'll give credit to those who at least try to understand the new gods and listen to other ideas of improving. Lets be honest some gods are really simple to understand their play style and understating their abilities. First of all, I'm not asking for a super advanced, Ultra-Pro information full of everything I need to know. Yes, it would be appreciated to have a guide such as that, but can I please ask all guide makers to update your guide each and every patch and finish you guides before you post them on SmiteFire. You make your guide look horrible when you don't take the time to finish your guide. I definitely don't want to see a "W.I.P" especially when a new god has arrived. Its obvious you have no clue to talk about and yet you still have an attitude saying I'll improve my guide over time, it's UNACCEPTABLE (In British Nanny Voice)!!! Just finish your guide th…
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