Though many don't actually know me, or I'm purty sure no one really does. I haven't been on in a while due to my activity on /r/SmiteTradingPost. I finally decide to try to comeback and create some awesome guides and bring my plan for the future of my guides.
I've been playing Smite for a pretty long time, and already have 3 level 30 account, which now SlowMotionSpeed is my main. I used to help format guides for WinglessWings, as a good friend and played quite early in the close beta. (Sun Wu Kong was my favorite however never got bought Hel or the Godpack when it was 10$ :( ) Anyway I've been working on Road to Legendary for Nu Wa, my currently main god. So I decide I'd finally try to create a god guide that doesn't necessarily focus on one topic but is broad guide, hopefully covering every role, how to ward, when to ward, and all that good stuff with each god.
(1) I would like to start creating my God Guide Format in WordDocument, like I do with all my guides or go…
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