February 02, 2014

Let's Discuss: The Gaming Community

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Recently I wanted to discuss about the topic, about the gaming community in general. Lately I've seen All4Gamer's Post about his life, I also saw the comments on how there we're so many supportive responses and answers. Everyone seemed to relate or try to put more empathy rather than being a jerk. Also I've seen posts about toxicity climb, whether on /r/Smite, or even on blog posts on this site. By the way we create our image here on SmiteFire, and I seen a post on the subreddit, about rejoining SmiteFire or giving it another chance, which is another topic I would like to discuss below.

First. Lets discuss about the views about the gaming community. I always thought of the gaming community as a place where no matter who you we're, what you've done, or how you live, you would always be accepted. Its a place where anyone can relate to your experiences or the experiences from games. Whether its expressing through emotion, fanart, fanfiction, music, and ect. Or even just commenting and giving the ocassional thumbs up, showing that someone is doing something right. Its kind of like a sanctuary, where everyone can be happy, and experiences from game, visual, experience, or auditory could be discussed openly. However this image hasn't stayed the same. Now the gaming community feels more exclusive. You either had to be classified as a nerd or geek to get in. Female players are shunned out of certain violent games, and classified as always bad or terrible. If your a jock or hipster you play one game, or only kids, or noobs play mobile games or ToonTown (only game I could think of that specifically targets small children.) The community has evolved into a different image and I can't stand that. This is one of the reasons I think toxicity is a problem, and to you NoHope is why 8 year olds say, "**** THAT, Niggas be Niggas." or whatever horrible slang they came up, or heard from. One, they learn that slang from other people online, so rule one be supportive and try not to flame. Lets be honest here, humans are social creatures and we tend to share or mimic emotions naturally. So doing this will atleast help with some toxicity. Now anyway I would like to continue on my rant with excluding players. Even high players don't give people another chance if they're new in the game. I think that's another thing that can shy someone from playing. Being new, and not given a chance to practice and become better can seriously tramatize a player. Or even older, experienced players just having a bad match, or doing bad in a boss battle, claimed as noobs, and get reported for doing bad can shy alot more players from the game.

So Point is that Gaming community isn't as open as it was before, its more closed and exclusive.

2) How people view and judge gamers. One I don't feel like typing to much, maybe I'll add more later, but they're so many stereotypes of gamers. That we're lazy, uncreative, and posers. One thing I would like to say is that's not true. There are alot of active people living actual lives out of gaming, but some people are making it very difficult for games to be respected, or gamers themselves for taking an event seriously. I mean we could do the same thing for cooking. You can become super great, and amazing at cooking, though you might not care for cooking, or even have the slightest remote intrest towards it, yet they get more respect than us. Also have you ever learned a cover for a song from video games, or even recite some awesome dialogue from the game. I mean once you tell them its from a video game, they just laugh or are like, wow its not like that's actual art, even though actual composers are hired to play huge, beautiful arrangements in game.

Point 2, is that gamers aren't repected, or video games aren't taken as seriously.

Now last is applying this to the SmiteFire, or Smite Community. I seen a post on the subreddit how I believe RazeMage/DoctorPaco(Tormented Turnip) tried to convince players to rejoin and help take SmiteFire more seriously. That's why I need you all to do your part in improving SmiteFire. I need you all to try your best in making a guide, being supportive, respecting other player's ideas on blogposts and forums, and actual respect eachother. We need to try to become respective and better people, and by doing that your doing your share in helping your gaming community.

This is all I wanted to talk about, and hopefully it gave you something to think about. How we can change our gaming community for the better or how it might change for the worst. If people will actually grow some pairs, and become the better man (or woman) and actually use reasoning/logic instead of flaming to make great debate, or help a player out. Or even shutting the F**K up will help a game go smoother, instead of a huge jumbled mess of toxicity.


P.S: Feel free on commenting and creating a deeper conversation, or discussing how you can relate, or whether or not you hated theses ideas or don't agree with them all. I'll try to listen however I don't usually comment or post, mainly because I don't like commenting unless if it actually helps the discussion. (As you probably see I only have 25 Posts)