July 17, 2017

Anyone Who Can Explain Smite For Me?

Views: 2031 SmiteSmile101
Ok so look, I'm new to the 'gaming world'. I don't know any 'gamer' terms like "glass cannon", "tank" and etc...everytime someone said something like that I just think "what the hell are they talking about".It But anyways, the only reason I downloaded Smite (earlier this year, I know I'm late to the game) is because a friend recommended it, so I downloaded Smite to satisfy them. I realized I actually liked Smite but the thing was I was and still am completely *** at it. I was *** at Paragon when I first started, which was earlier this year, but now I'm doing very good on it. People always tell me that they think Paragon is harder than Smite, but to me Smite is harder than Paragon. Anyways getting back on topic, I just want someone to explain like all the characters, their weaknesses, their strengths, and etc... Most of all I need help BUILDING A DECK FOR THEM. I know some games the items can be completely useless, but I just need to know what items are good against who when I'm playing who and all that. (I mostly play Neith, Kali, and Amaterasu. I like playing Cernunnos sometimes.) Everytime I play with my one friend he always says, "You're build is complete trash. What are you doing?" I'm more of a verbal listener, I can't really learn when reading. So, I'm hoping anyone with a PlayStation that plays Smite can help explain EVERYTHING to me in a party. Sometimes I can be slow, so be patient though lol. I don't want this to be like a one time thing though, like I want you to freaking train me lol.