April 07, 2013

Sunfall Teaches Trolling

Views: 3504 Sunfall
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Guide  |  Sobek  |  Trolling  |  Troll  |  Tank
I promised this two weeks ago in this blog post that I would be writing up a new guide soon. Well, I apologize for the delays, things got a little more busy than I expected, on top of me being preoccupied with another game...

But that's all in the past now! My new guide is finally ready!

And my latest guide covers none other than SOBEK! Or as I like to consider him the biggest troll in all of SMITE!

I've taken quite a few suggestions to mind with this particular guide. While I still maintain the high level of detail my previous guides were known for, I also made some improvements for this one. The most notable one being the use of colored text to help make the walls of text more appealing (though I'm a little concerned I might've overdone it and made them a bit distracting). I also decided not to do a matchups section for this one, simply because Sobek is a tank, and tanks aren't really designed to go 1v1ing anyone, unless you're Jousting... and this is not a Joust guide, it's a Conquest one.

So what are you waiting for?
Just click here to begin learning the ways of trolling, Sobek-style!