October 19, 2019

4 Year Smitefire Anniversary

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Around this time of the month, 4 years ago, I joined smitefire and created my first (and still only) build. Since then I have grown A LOT and have learned tons about this game and this community. I wanted to take a look back at the first ever version of my build, and laugh at how bad it was, while also remembering the good times.

I wanted to keep it as authentic to the times as possible, but I did not archive that build nor did I have any screen shots to work off of. All I had was my memory.. And my handy dandy changelog. This OG build was recreated entirely within photoshop and probably took more time than it was worth, but regardless..

Let's laugh at 2015 me and his very limited build knowledge. Also happy 4th smitefire birthday to me.