March 03, 2018

This just in: I'm not dead. Further news as events warrant.

Views: 1825 Technotoad64
Not that I'm pretending to be terribly important, I'd just like to announce my presence.
I've been lurking mostly, as Veterans tend to do. I had planned on participating in the contest this year, but the contest always brings around so many new people, and I haven't played Smite in so long, that actually doing or saying much of anything has seemed kind of daunting lately.
What I've been up to lately is (time-wise) piddling around YouTube and Reddit,
but I've also been working with a group of a few others (including Bernardozomer) on a mod for Terraria, though there isn't really enough content to warrant a release yet (which I blame on my time browsing YouTube and Reddit instead of spriting like I should be).
The contest this year has, as I mentioned, attracted a good number of people.
It seems like last year, the year that I was one of the judges, the first-prize winners all left shortly after claiming their spoils, while second- and third-place stuck around. If memory serves, I met Bernardo when I corrected his grammar on the guide he later won second-place on in the guardian category (?) My memory isn't the best, and I'm typing this well past midnight... What I meant to say is, hopefully this year's winners will stick around and continue to contribute their knowledge to SmiteFire. (Though I have no doubts that the "comment to win" winners will move on to somewhere else they can get free stuff, like a Plague of Locusts. Sorry, that was needlessly pessimistic.)
So-called "real life" (because for all I really know, I might be in some kind of dream or simulation)
has been the usual tedious drudgery of 11th grade high school; the most fun thing I've gotten to do away from my laptop lately was drop an egg encased in bendy straws and masking tape off of the bleachers at my school's football field, in order to see if it would survive the landing. It didn't, so my physics teacher deducted points from my grade on that project. Hopefully my essay on why the egg broke is good enough that I'll be able to pass the six weeks.
If my internet gets any better, I'll get back into playing Smite.
Unfortunately, it is just as likely (if not guaranteed) that my internet will get much, much worse; thanks, Ajit Pai. In the meantime, it's highly unlikely that I'll be updating (or depending on how you look at it, finishing) my Zhong Kui guide that hasn't really been current since Season 3, not that anyone was holding their breath. Well, at least Color Compilation will never be outdated (knock on wood).
At any rate, I just wanted to tell anyone that might want to know: I haven't disappeared from the face of the Earth. Fe'li-ga'lof de-e-su, e'sebli.