April 26, 2016

Why the matchups section is still unfinished.

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5SecondDelay  |  1000+Ping  |  DearGodWhy  | 
So, yesterday, I was trying to play a match of Conquest. Just a casual match for something to put in my guide. As I had hoped, they gave me mid, and I went with Zhong Kui. Suddenly, yellow letters appeared on the side of the HUD that I had never see before. The one that I noticed first was a number proclaiming, "ping". I looked it up when I backed, and apparently it's the time it takes a packet of data to get from your computer and back, in milliseconds. I spent most of the game at 500 ping. 100 or less is average, I hear. Every single time there was a team fight, it climbed up past 1,000. That's a full second of delay for each packet, and, needless to say, the lag was really really bad. I couldn't hit so much as Exorcism. The really annoying thing is that this happened in two different games, and first I was against Chronos and then Ra. They both have really small areas for their main damaging abilities, and I could've just juked all their poke, but instead, it was surrender at 20, then surrender at 10. I'm going to try again today, and hopefully I can finally finish a game at least once. Let me know if I should publish the Matchups section unfinished, or just keep working on it until I have something more substantial.