March 04, 2019
Just some of my poems
Views: 2081
So, I don't think anyone knows about this, but while I was away from the whole SMITE scenario, I took up writing as a hobby. I started by trying to write my first book, and boy did I overvalue my ability to make it cohesive. While I did write about 10 chapters, all of which have 2k+ letters, I started another hobby, by accident: Writing poems.
The first poem I wrote, as a hobby, was a lovy-dovy really confusing and kinda bad poem for the boy I was dating at the moment. But, since that, I have honed my skill and started sharing it with friends and some strangers, even! I've mostly received praise as a feedback, however some people do point out things that they didn't like in the poem (Which 99% of the time matches what I didn't like about the poem either).
Nevertheless, I was on reddit (specificaly /r/ocPoems) and decided "You know what? I'm going to share some on SmiteFire" so here are some of my favorites + well-received poems.
Of course, keep in mind that these poems are translated from Portuguese and I tried my best to make them as good as the original! Love y'all!

On a past day, I lived my first party
Lived the first time
In which the drinks
my consciousness
I discovered how alcohol
leaves your body light
light like a feather
How it undoes
your controls
Makes you loose your balance
and your morals
How it's much easier to stop
being who you truly are
and be only
your brute thoughts
To feel like a wallflower
to feel, for the first time
like I want to be alive
as if I had a reason
And these thoughts lingered in me
I grabbed a cup. Another. Another.
'Till my frail body gave in
and I had to put everything out
When I puked it all out
I felt all that happiness
leave me in a blink
as if every flower in the world
became the ashes
of a great fire
Coming back to myself was hard
hours passed and I still felt
the legalized drug
in my veins
intoxicating them
making me want to do it all over
The following day, I woke up wondering
If yesterday truly happened
If I had actually kissed those people
If I had actually drinked that much
If I had actually said those things
Then, I wrote this poem
And now, I wonder
Is this poem
About Alcohol
Or is it about
The End
Of a fiery love?

Your Poem
Once, you told me
"The only thing that calms me
more than rain
is your presence"
The same presence
in "a moment of weakness"
You descarted in a blink of an eye.
Another time, you told me
"you're the beauty
only I
plainly see"
And I thought
You didn't need glasses
On a saturday, you told me
"Why do you hide
under so much clothing?
You're perfect without them"
Never crossed my mind
I became a naked toy
For your fun
The prior friday, you told me
"The only one
that keeps me
safely grounded
is you, and that's
why I love you"
Now I Think
I shouldn't had held you down
for so long.
At the beginning, you told me
"So what, what matters
Is what I feel for you
Not what others
Will think!"
That was the lie
that got me.
Weeks later, you told me
"I will defend you
to the end of times
Well, maybe not when I'm drunk"
I shouldn't have accepted
that insecurity
On our first time, you told me
"We're wonderful, Leo
never let someone
tell you otherwise"
In the end,
you were a someone
On the first night, you told me
"I'm the luckiest man in the world,
my beloved won't have fun
to take care of me!
I love you, Leo"
I ask myself
where did this man
And why I don't go back to you,
you ask.
Well, once, you told me
"What the eyes don't see
The ears shall hear"

street lamps
damaged sidewalks
a park enclosed
by narrow roads
and the light's penumbra
hides a bench
In a side, a boy
fiery hair, as they say
with a face sculpted and freckles painted on
hidden under a green trenchcoat
his skin as pale as his hope
on the other, another man
with a hair as dark as the night's sky
brute, yet charming, face
hidding his cropped shirt under a sweater
and his skin tanned as sand
their view brought feelings
as strong as yemanja's waves
their hands, slightly touching
lit a hurricane of sensations
their feet, playing like in bed
engraved in the dirt their desire
their lips, sinfully hot
awaited the right moment
when the only audible thing
was each other's breath
so they could meet
and mingle
for long minutes, they pleased
delicately, they bit and pushed
the opposite lips
until they noticed
they didn't remember
the difference
between one another
By this vow's end
each follows their path
being obliged to hide
their qualities
Hence, during the day
the streets were crowded
under construction
and illuminated by broad daylight.
The park, incorporated by life
had lost his hideout
'tis the narrow street's fault
like some minds
Love, humanity's salvation
from the pain of existance
is forced into refuge
by the loutish wave
that has struck society
and, lovers
end up depending
on night's chill
to be themselves

My one and only Haiku
this chat's very gay
I hope it can be gayer
it probably can't
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