September 03, 2015

Leaving the SMITEfire clan on SMITE

Views: 1424 ThePerfectPrism
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Most ppl don't now this but I was on the SMITEfire clan for a week or two now. I rarely see someone on it, and, sometimes, it brings me pain from the problems that I've had with Fem and other users. I'm heading off to Jerbd, A.K.A Ashh_Bearr's clan. I've had respect to her since CoG xx ( the SPL team she was the leader of ) and I've her she has been playing the game with other ppl that are on my <3 ( Like SlyFoxHound, one of the members that played on the Showmatch during SWC 2015, being the Jungler for Ashh_Bearr ). So yeah. Still gonna use SMITEfire tho <3 <3 <3