December 13, 2016

My Experiences With Dead By Daylight - 6 hours in

Views: 1595 ThePerfectPrism
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So to start off, I wanna say I'm not a complete noob. I've been watching streams even before the Nurse Update rolled out. So I came as no shock that I'm already this high-level.

In 6 hours of gameplay, 2 of them being of just trying to find the better graphical setting (everything on low, turning off V-Sync and stuff) and I'm in a 40 FPS zone, which is quite good cuz I can at least hit skill-checks. If I had 50 FPS, I bet my miss rate for Skill-Checks would go to like 20% instead of 35% ish.

I'm already rank 18 ! Here is a pic to prove.

Now, how many of you have the game ? If you do, or have watched it, you know that it's really hard to "Double-Pip", getting A LOT of points to get 2 rank progressions. I got a double pip already, and I have the Perfect Escape achiviement on steam.

I just love this game so much lmao.

Have any of you played it ? Watched it ? If you play it, leave your Steam name here so I can add u ! <3