In 6 hours of gameplay, 2 of them being of just trying to find the better graphical setting (everything on low, turning off V-Sync and stuff) and I'm in a 40 FPS zone, which is quite good cuz I can at least hit skill-checks. If I had 50 FPS, I bet my miss rate for Skill-Checks would go to like 20% instead of 35% ish.
I'm already rank 18 ! Here is a pic to prove.

Now, how many of you have the game ? If you do, or have watched it, you know that it's really hard to "Double-Pip", getting A LOT of points to get 2 rank progressions. I got a double pip already, and I have the Perfect Escape achiviement on steam.
I just love this game so much lmao.
Have any of you played it ? Watched it ? If you play it, leave your Steam name here so I can add u ! <3
It looks like an interesting game, sorta like Mike Myres from call of duty private matches back in the day. From what I understand, people are mad at the game saying the maps are too alike, not enough characters, not being what they hoped for as an official release etc. So Im still hesitant to buy the game myself. But Ill watch a little bit more of it. Its definitely better with friends then random queue.