April 07, 2018

Unanswered Questions From The Community Spotlight

Views: 1776 ThePerfectPrism
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Hey Peeps! Like I said, I'm here to answer to the questions that were left out/changed for my Community Spotlight Interview! So, here we go! (Also big shoutout to Wayne cuz he separated them for me lol luv u boo)

Partially Answered Questions:
[*] Since you haven't really been playing much lately, how familiar are you with the newer gods (e.g. Cu Chulainn, Da Ji, Discordia, Achilles), and what do you think about their designs/kits?
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[*] How do you evaluate your life as it currently is? Are you happy with everything you've done in the past, and with the way your life is going now? If not, what do you hate about your life at this moment, and what would / could you have done differently in the past so that your life would be different now, without the things you dislike about your life currently?
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[*] What made you create your very own guide on SMITEfire? How has the creation of this guide impacted your status on this website (e.g. bonds with the community), and did the creation of this guide have any affect on your personal knowledge of the game (e.g. increase of knowledge through member feedback)?
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[*] What god do you think is your best god and what is your worst god (not counting gods you have not played)?
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Unanswered Questions:
[*] If you could pick one god and only play that god from now on, what god would it be?
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[*] If you had the ability to create your own game, what game would you have made? Would it be related to your own life, for example? A tribute to someone you know & love? A fantasy story, etc...?
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[*] What is the dish that isn't common here that you think we'd love? Do you know how to make it? Will you make it when you come to visit?
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[*] What is your favorite gaming moment (do not have to be Smite)?

[*] If you could go back and master a different God / role than you do now, would you do so, and what God / role would that be? Also, would you still have made a guide for said God / role, you think?
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