Fenrir Guide Link

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[icon=Warrior Tabi size=50][/td]
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[icon=Transcendence size=50][/td]
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[[Fenrir]] has good base damage though his abilities don't scale that well. When compared to some other assassins. Even still there are a few power items that might work, under the right circumstances of course.[/td]
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[icon=Warrior Tabi size=50]
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This is a staple item that every god is going to look getting early on. It's a cheap item that dishes out good power and movement speed.
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[icon=Transcendence size=50]
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[[Transcendence]] is a great item if you are looking to build a full DPS glass cannon [[Fenrir]]. You can get around 105 power which is equivalent to a 5 rune maxed [[Seething Howl]]. Get some penetration and critical items and you'll be seeing some nasty numbers, when [[Fenrir]] auto attacks. I honestly don't grab this item much, but it's still worth mentioning.
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[icon=Jotunn's Wrath size=50][/td]
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[icon=The Executioner size=50][/td]
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[icon=Titan's Bane size=50][/td]
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Physical defense is a barrier that can be overcome by buying penetration items. [[Fenrir]]'s natural base damage shines when you buy more penetration. Plus, if you are looking to damage or even kill bruiser and tank gods. You'll need an item or two in this section to do so.
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[icon=Jotunn's Wrath size=50]
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This is a staple item, that every player would say [[Fenrir]] should buy. I'm not going to discredit that, since it does do wonders in the early stages of the game. It gives him [color=#ff0000]power [/color] and cooldown reduction, with an added bonus of penetration and mana.
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[icon=The Executioner size=50]
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[[The Executioner]] is the go to item for [[Fenrir]], if you want to make use of his life steal. The penetration it offers is substantial, while also being better then [[Titan's Bane]] in almost every way. When combined with [[Frostbound Hammer]] you will be able to keep enemies locked in place, while applying the stacks.
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[icon=Titan's Bane size=50]
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[[Titan's Bane]] is a sub par item for [[Fenrir]]. It does help keep [[Fenrir]]'s ability base damage from falling off, until later in the game. Though it's only better then [[The Executioner]] when it's used to attack towers. [[The Executioner]] can apply stacks on everything but towers.. [[Titan's Bane]] offers 33% penetration to everything.
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[icon=Brawler's Beat Stick size=50]
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[[Brawler's Beat Stick]] is more a situational item. If the enemy comp has more then one ADC, or even a sustain god like [[Hercules]]. Then you might be wanting to pick this item up. When you combine the passive of this item with [[Fenrir]]'s [[Seething Howl]]. No other god will be able to out last a long confrontation with you, without back up.
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[icon=Void Shield size=50]
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[[Void Shield]] is a very common pick up on most Junglers. [[Void Shield]] if bought very early on, offers a HUGE [color=#ff0000]power[/color] spike. While also giving some notable defense, allowing you to tower dive and/or tank objectives.
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[icon=Spirit Robe size=50][/td]
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[icon=Hide Of The Urchin size=50][/td]
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[icon=Mail Of Renewal size=50][/td]
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Now if you want to last longer then 2 seconds on the battle field without retreating or dying. Then I strongly recommend buying some defense items. [[Fenrir]] has to get close and personal to do damage so naturally he is a huge target to the enemy team. Defense will also work very well with [[Fenrir]]'s natural life steal, allowing him to stay in fights for longer periods of time.
[spoiler=Defense / HP]
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[icon=Frostbound Hammer size=50]
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[[Frostbound Hammer]] is my go to item for [[Fenrir]] in this season. It gives all round great stats. Though the most noticeable stats would be the 400 health points and the amazing passive. If you do get this, max it as soon as you can. Once maxed, you get the extra 300 health points which really helps in the mid game. [[Hastened Fatalis]] is what I used to role with, though it got nerfed. Which made me turn away from it all together.
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[icon=Sovereignty size=50]
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[[Sovereignty]] is great, if I'm going to Support with [[Fenrir]]. You will be trading a lot of [[Fenrir]]'s DPS if you go this route. Though as a support you aren't aiming for high burst to begin with. I always follow this item up with [[Heartward Amulet]].
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[icon=Spirit Robe size=50]
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[[Spirit Robe]] is great if you combo with [[Jotunn's Wrath]]. You won't receive Health points if you buy this item. Though it does give magical and physical defense. The passive also helps if you get CC chained in late game team fights. Wouldn't pick this up if you want to aim for an auto attack [[Fenrir]] build.
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[icon=Winged Blade size=50]
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[[Winged Blade]] is situational, but can be a game changer. If for example, [[Poseidon]] would to buy say [[Gem Of isolation]] for his [[Whirlpool]]. You'd be short out of luck. Though if you buy this item, you'd only receive a speed boost, allowing you to catch up to [[Poseidon]] and auto attack him to death. Basically if they enemy team has a lot of slows in their kits. Buy this item, as soon as team fights start to break out.
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[icon=Mail Of Renewal size=50]
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[[Mail Of Renewal]] has been a under looked item in the meta for sometime now. It was nerfed a few times in the past, which caused players to turn their backs on it. Though regardless, I like this item for the HP, CD and most of all the passive. Kill a god, and receive 15% Mana and Hp. [[Fenrir]] is a mana consumer in the late game, so this helps counter that.
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[icon=Hide Of The Urchin size=50]
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[[Hide Of The Urchin]] is a broken item for it's cost value. It's smart to build this as early as possible to get the stacks maxed as soon as possible. Keep in mind once you start building this your power curve will stat falling off.
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[icon=Bloodforge size=50][/td]
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[icon=Asi size=50][/td]
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[icon=Rage size=50][/td]
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When [[Fenrir]] is given Critical and Life Steal items. He becomes a self sustaining, personal Pokemon Center. If you are aiming to out box ADC gods. Then you will be needing to buy several items in this section.[/td]
[spoiler=Life steal / Critical]
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[icon=Bloodforge size=50]
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I remember the days [[Devourer's Gauntlet]] were the king of life steal items. Though now they take WAY to long to fully stack. [[Bloodforge]] offers a ton of power and 15% Life Steal. Though it also rewards you with a sheild passive if you kill a god.
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[icon=Asi size=50]
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[[Asi]] doesn't offer any power. Though ADC gods pick this up for the attack speed, penetration and it's amazing life steal passive. When you build [[Fenrir]] for auto attacks, you should look into getting this. Keep in mind you might want the other two life steal items if you need a bit more power.
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[icon=Rage size=50]
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[[Rage]] would have to be one of my favorite items in this game. It can usually net you a critical hit every 3 hits or so. When combined with [[Fenrir]]'s broken life steal. You can potentially almost double the amount health [[Seething Howl]] gives back to you. I always buy [[Rage]] at some point in the match. Usually occupying my 5th or 6th item slot.
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[icon=Deathbringer size=50]
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[[Deathbringer]] can be a great item for many assassins. Though I feel that [[Fenrir]] should be focusing on more defensive items. Rarely can I fit this in a match, usually I have no room for purchasing this. I feel you can fully avoid buying this and still go rambo on the enemy team. The extra critical damage is a plus.
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